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Do you turn your mobile phone off when out socially?

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I think when you're out on a date or meeting for a meal with friends you should have your phone off or on silent so you can screen who's calling without interrupting the flow of conversation.


I would be very hacked off if someone answered a phone call in the middle of a date, Its just bad manners and unless it was very important I would be really annoyed!

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Absolutely. Unless you're expecting an important call. Informing your date would be a good move.

Confession time..went on a date last year. She received 4 calls within 15 mins of us sitting at the table for a meal. Not even an "excuse me i must take this call". This was an educated business woman, but it seemed her self importance took the better of her.

Needless to say, she picked up the tab. I walked out.


Phones are an integral part of our present way of life, accepted. But not to the point of compromising manners.

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Absolutely. Unless you're expecting an important call. Informing your date would be a good move.

Confession time..went on a date last year. She received 4 calls within 15 mins of us sitting at the table for a meal. Not even an "excuse me i must take this call". This was an educated business woman, but it seemed her self importance took the better of her.

Needless to say, she picked up the tab. I walked out.


Phones are an integral part of our present way of life, accepted. But not to the point of compromising manners.


That's just plain rude!


I was chair of a council-supported group that met monthly, and at the start of the meeting I would always state


"Please would everyone turn off their phones, or put them onto to Silent, for the duration of the meeting, if you are expecting an urgent call, - please indicate if that is the case".


You'd be amazed at how many phones went off during the course of the meeting.


It's the same at the theatre. the announcement comes over the tannoy.


"Please turn mobiles off whilst in the auditorium"


You wouldn't believe the number of people who hear this announcement as


"Will everyone except the self-important Mr Jones, in seat H1, please turn their mobiles off.."


In every performance, you get some cretin's phones ringing at least once...

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you should ALWAYS have your phone on silent if out socially with people, in fact, mine's rarely on anything but...it just saves me the glares that i would dish out if it were someone else...


it's quite annoying when my friend comes to see me, and promptly spends 80% of that time with her phone glued to her ear, gossiping with her friends...


even worse, is now that facebook et al is available, my friends wander round like kids with a new toy, walking into furniture because they're checking their profile and poking people back...

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Its funny you should ask if the mobile is turned off in social situations. I dont turn mine on unless I need to make a call, then I can look through the messages and decide who to call and if I really need to. Saves me loads on replying to every call .. Use your mobile to your advantage not its ...

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