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Did Anyone Go To Earl Marshal School?

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She sees Miss Driver a lot in Asda :hihi: She's now in a wheelchair apparently.


Seeing Miss Drivers name just brought back a memory of he hitting the news headlines back in the early 70's when she came back off holiday somewhere abroad but cant remember where, but she had got some tropical disease and had to go in to quarantine.


Dose any one remember this?

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Those names are bringing back some memories.


Mr Tippet, along with other male staff played 5 a side after school on a weekly basis. Some of us played as well to make the numbers up. Got a bit dirty at times (well it was the only chance you had at getting back at at teacher... in fun only!!).


I remember Miss Lund as she took me for A level Chemistry. She always seemed to wear well fitted outfits...


Other teachers I remember are Mrs Cuthbert, Mrs Firth, Mr Smith, Mr Hallam, Mr Legg and Mr Baggart. There was also the guy who ran the library, cannot remember his name at the mo.


I was there 94 to 99. Mrs Cuthbert and Mr Hallam were both there for year 7 I believe? And I think then left in Year 8? I remember Mr Stow as well. Mr Seale was the headteacher at the time, and I believe he is working down in London now?


Some happy times, although there were some really bad teachers there! The reason why it turned into a bad school wasn't all the kids fault.

Edited by qazitory
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I didn't go to Earl Marshal but my fiance did, his nick name was Block. I used to knock about down Grimesthorpe and go drinking down there, and still do, so I recognise quite a few names. I was just smiling when I saw DJ Venom cos when we're all together talking about the past we often say I wonder what happened to 'Rusty'

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I didn't go to Earl Marshal but my fiance did, his nick name was Block. I used to knock about down Grimesthorpe and go drinking down there, and still do, so I recognise quite a few names. I was just smiling when I saw DJ Venom cos when we're all together talking about the past we often say I wonder what happened to 'Rusty'


Well apart from still having my youthful good looks :hihi: you wouldnt recognise the old shy, insecure Rusty. Why not nip down to one of my shows, come say hi, i don't bite ;)

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