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Bus drivers above the law now?


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Hi all, I apolagise In advance if I have taken the info on first's webiste out of contect. But it looks like the union thinks it if fine for bus drivers to commit fraud and steal?


From what I have seen latly, it seems first drivers can get away with anything as the union will back them no matter what they get up too.


Or did I get the wrong end of the stick here? Striking as they want to continue committing fraud? (I assume it's the thing where they charge over what the ticket displays which is happening alot on first busses latly...)

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From the latest on the strikes on first's website, it seems to suggest the union suppots them. Or am I taking it the wrong way? read it and tell me :)




"We just cannot concede to every unreasonable demand including the reinstatement of a driver who has committed theft or a driver who has committed fraud. The Union is even demanding we reverse a decision upheld by an Employment Tribunal.


"It is now obvious that the Union has no real intention of resolving this matter and is intent on trying to cause problems to the people and businesses of Sheffield, including our own. This will undoubtedly have an impact on drivers jobs in the future."

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Above the law ? I dont know about that but we have had speed bumps and a 20mph restriction on our road for about 2 years now and the busses still do over 30 (more like 40).


Someone forgot to tell First Transport about what the speed humps and the big 20 mph sighn at both ends of the road actually mean.


If its not them its the police, with or without blues n two's.

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Or did I get the wrong end of the stick here? Striking as they want to continue committing fraud?


Many of the disciplinary issues relate to much more minor issues, drivers can and have been sacked for running early or other relatively trivial matters.


Unless you can cite a specific statement by Unite that drivers who have been sacked for fraud should be reinstated, I can only conclude that this is another example of deliberate obfuscation by First.

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Many of the disciplinary issues relate to much more minor issues, drivers can and have been sacked for running early or other relatively trivial matters.


Unless you can cite a specific statement by Unite that drivers who have been sacked for fraud should be reinstated, I can only conclude that this is another example of deliberate obfuscation by First.


IS running early that "Trivial"?


or are the bus company obliged to follow their timetable as laid down by the regulations when they put their tender in for the route?


For example, if the number xx03 is meant to depart stand Z9 at pond street bus station at 25 minutes past the hour, there is not much point in having a timetable in place if the driver decides that the service will leave at 20 past, or Half past? (traffic problems and accidents notwithstanding)

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From the latest on the strikes on first's website, it seems to suggest the union suppots them. Or am I taking it the wrong way? read it and tell me :)




"We just cannot concede to every unreasonable demand including the reinstatement of a driver who has committed theft or a driver who has committed fraud. The Union is even demanding we reverse a decision upheld by an Employment Tribunal.


"It is now obvious that the Union has no real intention of resolving this matter and is intent on trying to cause problems to the people and businesses of Sheffield, including our own. This will undoubtedly have an impact on drivers jobs in the future."


Hi, as a bus driver for FIRST i find that it is a load of rubbish what the company are telling the public. The union would never try to support a driver that has been caught fiddling. There are posters on the walls in olive grove from the unite union telling drivers not involve themself in any kind of theft or fraud because they will not get the support of the union. As for the running early issues the drivers can not do it under any cirrcumstances. Running late is ok, not early. But when we are late we get moaned at because people are stood in the cold or rain so that is why we try to keep to the times on the running boards, even if it means driving quicker. As for all the issues that are going on with the strike, i dont blame the drivers. Yes we feel sorry for the public going without buses but when the company gives you a final warning over a simple little things, such as being a miniute late or having time off when genuinly sick is that fair?? If all you people that read this and think its ok to be given a final warning for being a miniute late and have that on your mind for the next 12 months while still tryin to do your job is ok, then come to First are try it. You will all be in for a shock.

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Yet from what ive heard, you have certain stops which you have to be on time no matter what, so part of what you say is true, but there are other stops, from what ive experianced, buses can be early or late, and it annoys people.


And with regards to the strikes, the whole thing seems to be over one manager at the olive grove depot, thats why other depots are operating.

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