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Who is highest ranking taekwondo person in south yorkshire

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The UKTA is now headed by Master Michael Prewett 8th Dan who is based in Wales (I think)

The BTA was in fact “Association” and not “Alliance” my mistake. Been that many over the years and I am getting old.

A good history of Taekwondo can be found on the link below. I would be interested to hear your views.



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mmm can I just say as a newbie to martial arts at the ripe old age of 41 how disgusted I am with some of the comments on here. I believed that entering into the world of martial arts no matter what form we gave respect to others ,,,how completely disappointed an disilusioned I know am... gonna go spinnin instead I can cope with bitches at the gym

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I'm trying to suggest his grading may be for tiddlywinks but not for TKD.




Why the attacks? Easy, it's because he's crap. He was was when he was a yellow belt and never got much better. If you had seen his first, very pathetic, attempt at a black belt you would understand.

It's the only time I've seen the audience laugh at a candidate.

He never even finished the attempt. Total crap.

I would not lower myself to call him master save to add bater after it.


Most martial artist earn their grades with hard work and a lot of pain. I know I did and that makes Sodall's claim to 8th dan an insult.


an at 41 year old I am doing just that but I have entered into a world where I thought respect was paramount obviously you dont know the meaning. This forum has really out me off big time

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an at 41 year old I am doing just that but I have entered into a world where I thought respect was paramount obviously you dont know the meaning. This forum has really out me off big time


Respect has to be earned as do belts. If you just award yourself an extra grade because it's a Sunday, you can't expect respect.

The likes of Tony have earned the greatest respect, others have not.


Anyone tell me what happened to Andy Kennady at Goldthorpe club? He retired just before he was to get his 5th dan. Wondered if anyone knows how he is.


@crystalfire. There's another one that earned respect in heaps.

Edited by upinwath
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malc siddall an 8th dan?? blimey. he's got that quickly.

i didnt realise Jamie Griffiths was a 4th dan, i thought he was still a 3rd dan.


whats taekwonmudo?


what about Ji-Pyo Lim (i think thats his surname). he did a seminar at Mike McKenzies club. is he a south yorkshire man?


thanks all. this is really interesting. its difficult to quantify that there are people who are higher grades than the person who brought Taekwondo to South Yorkshire.


master malcolm siddall is an internationally recognised 8th dan and through his hard work and commitment has set hundreds of people on the taekwondo path, and to mention master paul jessop and not mention that master siddall taught him and graded him is unforgivable,there seems to be a lot of bad feeling towards master siddall whitch goes against the tenets of taekwondo or any other martial ethos,i do think it is sad when some people try to raise their standing in the public eye by treading on others rather than by their own achievments,all this public badmouthing puts the martial arts community in a bad light and that can only be bad for us all.

live and let live,strive to be the best we can, that is the only way to get on any other way will only lead to ridicule from the rest of the martial arts world.

if you cannot say anything good then say nothing at all you will gain more respect that way:rant:

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if you cannot say anything good then say nothing at all you will gain more respect that way:rant:

So you wouldn't have voted for Hitler but wouldn't have complained about him either?

Lack of moral fibre there!

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master malcolm siddall is an internationally recognised 8th dan and through his hard work and commitment has set hundreds of people on the taekwondo path, :


First. I know that bloke and I refuse to accept his title of master. Who has recognised his grade? No one I know will. I suggest it may be Kelloggs. Perhaps he got it out of a cornflakes packet.


Second. hard work? I saw him training from white belt up. Most students that bad tend to drop out at yellow or green belt if they ever get that far.

He is the only student taking his black belt that I have seen the audience openly laughing at. You need to have been there to understand why but I'll just say it was past pathetic.


Last. If I didn't know the way to a place, I can send people walking down a path as well. They will never get to the right place using those directions but I can send them anyway. It's a nice bonus if I can extract cash from them until they work out I'm a fraud.


Note. If you see so many TKD people with a lot of time behind them all saying that one person is rubbish, perhaps there may be a grain of truth in it. This thread has produced a lot of worthy names that demand respect but only one that is universally considered crap.

I don't claim to be great and I've retired from it now but I earned my second dan with hard work and a bit of blood over a good few years. I consider a 'corn flakes' eighth dan to be an insult to me, my instructors and every other martial artist.

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