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Fishing at crookes valley park

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I've not caught a Eel for a few years now, I remember fishing the Chesterfield canal once when I was younger and I packed in after around an hour due to problems with boot laces(small Eels).


Small ones are a nightmare, the big ones are good fun though.


unfortunately the eel population has been in sharp decline due to pollution and other enviromental factors

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There has been concern in the angling circles at the lack of eels in this country now.

We used to be overun with them


Yea definately,when i lived in cumbria near a tidal river thats all the seemed to be, with the occasional sea trout.


Its a shame as they are an interesting and unusual fish

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If you fish the rd side then fish float geat waggler tactics,if you are fishing the other end of the pond the resturant side feeder method has its too deep for rod and line,but can be fished useing a pole.maggot and bread flake will out fish and other bait with hemp has you bed of bait............tyke

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