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Sheffield rapist father gets sentence cut

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Out of the house doesn't mean out of his control. He was known to lock them in their rooms when he went out according to news reports. There are so many reasons that someone strong minded would find difficult to comprehend. He may well have threatened the mother too. Told her she was incapable of looking after the children and if she tried to leave he would get them took off her. He could have also threatened worse too. He already told the daughters he would kill their babies. There was obviously no limits to his games and abuse. It is very hard to understand how someone falls into this and doesnt get them and the children out of it. Chances are he probably bullied the mother in front of the children and convinced them she was ill or the one in the wrong. It takes a lot of chipping away at someone for a long time to gain that control. They would have all been too scared to do something even when he wasnt there, believing that he would always find them where ever they went. It must have took so much courage for them all to have gone to the police at this time after they have got away from him and become that bit stronger.



Well put. I don't think people realise just how someone can make you feel so unworthy unless you've been placed in that position.


She will have felt worthless as a wife, mother, even woman/human being considering what he put them all through.

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Well put. I don't think people realise just how someone can make you feel so unworthy unless you've been placed in that position.


She will have felt worthless as a wife, mother, even woman/human being considering what he put them all through.


Yes a lot of people think they are too strong too ever fall under something like this but I have seen the strongest of women be subjected too these situations. It is not as simple as walking away and escaping you are talking about women and children risking their lives to get away in these cases. It is very often that as they get to adulthood they learn that what was happening was wrong. As children they even think the most horrifying things are normal. Don't ever think you are above someone doing it too you. This can happen to the best of us. It only takes you to go through a vulnerable time and then you don't have the strength to get out of it.

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Surely there was other people involved, such as Dr's nurses, did these girls not go to Anti-natal or have the children in hospital. It was mentioned that they had brothers as well, just dont believe that someone could have done something.

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my point exactly ...what gives a guilty person the right to appeal in the first place.....those poor girls no doubt pleaded for their innocence but it fell on his deaf ears.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr




i agree will u i bet them girls pleaded every time that monster went near them but did he listen no he didnt so now he is gona be in prison with 3 square meals a day a bed doing nothing but do what he wants not working so basically living off tax payers money i no he ant got his freedom but he as everything else in there.he will be with people that are just like him so the scum can conpare storys.it will be like a hotel cos he wont be put with the other prisoners and wont be able to do a job in there cos if the other prisoners get to him we all no what will happen to him dont we,basically he is scum of the earth and reduce his sentence i think they should give him a life sentce for every time he raped those girls

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However, there are cases of those "rehabilitated" who come out, only to commit another crime.


I'm a firm believer of the punishment should fit the crime. He has ruined the lives of his daughters, and so his life should be ruined. Life SHOULD mean life in some situations.


A life sentence is always for life but a lifer can service the latter part out of prison on licence:


"A Life Sentence Licence applies to any person serving a life sentence who will be released from custody on licence. An individual must comply with the conditions of his licence in order to remain in the community and not be returned to custody. Conditions of a licence may include, for example, being placed under the supervision of a nominated Probation Officer, not changing a place of residence or employment without the consent of a Probation Officer, and keeping in contact with a Probation Officer in accordance with instructions"

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I'm confused by the term "serious murders", when is a murder not serious? Also if I was those girls I think being murdered by him would have been preferable to a lifetime of rape and abuse.

They are going to have to suffer for the rest of their lives because of this and it's only fitting that he should too.


I'd like to know if they coun all the abortions he made them have as murder too!!!!

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A life sentence is always for life but a lifer can service the latter part out of prison on licence:


"A Life Sentence Licence applies to any person serving a life sentence who will be released from custody on licence. An individual must comply with the conditions of his licence in order to remain in the community and not be returned to custody. Conditions of a licence may include, for example, being placed under the supervision of a nominated Probation Officer, not changing a place of residence or employment without the consent of a Probation Officer, and keeping in contact with a Probation Officer in accordance with instructions"


I don't believe he should be given the chance. Why should he be given the chance to even try and form a normal life?? His victims will never have a normal life, they'll suffer for the rest of their days. The pain will lessen, but it'll still be there, in the back of their head, no matter what they do.


Why should he be allowed out? Ever!

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I don't believe he should be given the chance. Why should he be given the chance to even try and form a normal life?? His victims will never have a normal life, they'll suffer for the rest of their days. The pain will lessen, but it'll still be there, in the back of their head, no matter what they do.


Why should he be allowed out? Ever!


Simply because judges must be allowed to have some discretion. Clearly, not all crimes with the same name have the same circumstances. I'm not defending this man, just stating how the system works.


Also, don't forget this is a minimum sentence. It is not certain that he will be released then. The judge has decided that it need to be brought in line with other offences of similar gravity.

Edited by LibertyBell
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