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Balti King Worst Curry House, Broomhill

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Balti King is indeed the very worst curry house in Sheffield. Terrible food, bordering on being not fit for human consumption. I'm not sure how this place survives in this day and age, it's like having a curry from the early 80's when most people knew no better!

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We own the building company who actually replaced the floor covering in the kitchen very recently. I found the kitchen to be very clean and far from unhygienic as some people claim. We eat there every week and find that the food is not all the same colour, only if youorder the same thing, or unless you are colourblind!


Service and value for money in our opinion cannot be faulted. Young people after a few drinks tend to over exaggerate, I suggest you try it yourself and make your own opinion.

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We ordered from Balti King last night and the food was so revolting we ended up throwing it in the bin. The madras was just like weak gravy. I guess the only reason they have been around for so long is the fact that they are in a student area.


There is only one place I have found worse than Balti King so far, and that is Western Foods at Crookesmoor.

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