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Over priced beer.


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the price of a pint varies from pub to pub depending on whether they are free of tie or tied in to a pubco from whom they are forced to purchase their barrels from at 100%+ more thab they could if they were buying them from the cash and carry or elsewhere. If a publican who is tied in to a pubco purchases their barrels from another seller then they will lose their lease and as such be out of business. If anyone wants to reduce beer prices then I reccommend that you write to your local MP to ask them to make beer tie-ins with pubcos illegal. Quite often the pubs that charge £3+ for draught pints are only doing so because they are forced to by the pubcos pricing schemes, and then even then they may not make much money at all per pint.

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500 ml of carling in my bar (our house lol) is 40p(when asda have an offer on) 70p (whwn they don't),sky sports,no last orders,no loonies,no need for taxis and no greedy landlord ripping you off..can't beat it :thumbsup::thumbsup: :D
And plenty of home brewed red wine :hihi:
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the price of a pint varies from pub to pub depending on whether they are free of tie or tied in to a pubco from whom they are forced to purchase their barrels from at 100%+ more thab they could if they were buying them from the cash and carry or elsewhere. If a publican who is tied in to a pubco purchases their barrels from another seller then they will lose their lease and as such be out of business. If anyone wants to reduce beer prices then I reccommend that you write to your local MP to ask them to make beer tie-ins with pubcos illegal. Quite often the pubs that charge £3+ for draught pints are only doing so because they are forced to by the pubcos pricing schemes, and then even then they may not make much money at all per pint.


Its true, the Pub Co's are complete Capitalists who only think of profit.....they have no other motive or reason for their existence, because if they did not make huge profits from selling over priced beer to 100% tied lessees, they would cease to exist......HOORAY:banana:

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500 ml of carling in my bar (our house lol) is 40p(when asda have an offer on) 70p (whwn they don't),sky sports,no last orders,no loonies,no need for taxis and no greedy landlord ripping you off..can't beat it :thumbsup::thumbsup: :D


oh sham where do u live .can i bring my friends.

sounds to good to be true..xx:suspect:

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I dont suppose it's anything to do with the fact that alcohol is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. I have a few pals who drink 'out of necessity' rather than pleasure although only one has actually admitted it.

I can happily enjoy a cup of coffee in a pub, can you ?


Yes as I'm addicted to caffeine too, (well its something I have most days, like alcohol).

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Yes as I'm addicted to caffeine too, (well its something I have most days, like alcohol).


The coffee is a darn site cheaper than alcohol though, dont you think ?

Also coffee cant be described as a mind altering substance like alcohol, although I'm informed it dosent do your blood pressure or your heart any good.

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Only one answer to overpriced ANYTHING is to vote with your feet. If all drinkers stayed at home for a fortnight and remained dry [no sneaking off to the offy] the brewers would sit up and prices would collapse.

Beer is not like petrol, you can [believe it or not ] function quite well without it, it is not essential. Try it, you may be amazed. Your behaviour should improve, along with your memory. Your bank balance will improve rapidly.;)


I Know My Bank Balance Would .... Town Saturday Anyone?!?!!?!?!

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