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Riot police at Sheffield Park Academy.

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Because they'e busy cutting the number of police officers (source the times 24/02/09)


But the cuts which are, according to The Times, planned by police forces haven't happened yet whilst the abolition of corporal punishment in schools (which has often been claimed to be the cause of poor discipline in schools) happened in 1986 so I'll ask the question again: why aren't riot police being called to every school in the country?


Riot police aren't called to schools very often and when I have heard of cases of large-scale disorder in schools it has been in schools in particularly rough areas.

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But the cuts which are, according to The Times, planned by police forces haven't happened yet whilst the abolition of corporal punishment in schools (which has often been claimed to be the cause of poor discipline in schools) happened in 1986 so I'll ask the question again: why aren't riot police being called to every school in the country?


Riot police aren't called to schools very often and when I have heard of cases of large-scale disorder in schools it has been in schools in particularly rough areas.


the cuts, have been happening year on year for the past 3/4 years, all to do with budget constraints.

As for calling riot police in to all schools i'm certain there would be uproar with all the usuall do-gooders/tree huggers claiming civil rights infringement, suing the schools and police forces because our "tarquin" can't sleep at night for fear of living in an oppressed state,

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"A Sheffield Park Academy spokesman added: "We are co-operating with the police following an alleged incident that took place off site after school. As always, the safety of our students remains our main priority."


An "alleged" incident? surely there's nothing alleged about it?

As to the safety of students remaining their main priority? Well that's good to know then - pity it wasn't a priority before what ever's alleged happened.

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I think its good the police are taking this seriously. Racist attacks are all too common these days and the people involved in this once should have the law make an example of them. Maybe then people will understand its not acceptable to beat someone to a pulp just because of the colour of their skin.


I think your missing some of the point. It was Asian lads this time but its often the other way round. It is this divsion between groups that is the problem. BOTH sides need to be dealt with. It may be racisit but its not just white against black its also black against white. Unfortunately this is an uncomfortable fact that you don't hear the muslim "community leaders" talking about.


If you only deal with the white on black issue then all you do is fuel the idea that there is an inequality in the way people are treated, thus fueling more violence.

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the cuts, have been happening year on year for the past 3/4 years, all to do with budget constraints.

As for calling riot police in to all schools i'm certain there would be uproar with all the usuall do-gooders/tree huggers claiming civil rights infringement, suing the schools and police forces because our "tarquin" can't sleep at night for fear of living in an oppressed state,


As you don't seem to get my point and you are coming out with the cliches favoured by the likes of Richard Littlejohn I'll make it very clear for you. There are thousands of state schools in England and they are all governed by the same set of laws. If there is serious disorder at a school teachers, pupils, parents or local residents can call the police and if the police deem it necessary they can send the riot squad. However, this happens very rarely and when it does happen it tends to be in very rough areas so my point is that the cause of the problem is not the laws or the people who passed those laws: the cause of the problem is violent people and some places and families seem to have a lot more of them than others.

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my old secondry school was mixed with another local school (a mainly asian school) and there were constant riots asian kids bringing knifes into school etc white kids generally being racist


When i was at school I was gay bashed all the time and was once attacked with a piece of scaffolding.......no one gave a ****.


Had i been Black or Asian i feel it would've been a different story

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Really sad! Both been treated with broken nose etc! Sad things went this far!


Reading the comments on the Star, how sad that people on there 'if they are white would it have been deemed racist' crap.


They have a point though.

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