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Does anyone suffer from anxiety / panic attacks?

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:( Hi Andy i know exactly what you are going through as i suffer from a similar illness.

The problem which i have is that i have lost all confidence in myself and see the worst in other people.

I also have a problem with my mind focusing on real isues and cannot stop doing equations, these are made up problematic data from my distressed state of mind, i cannot think clearly and stress and anxiety cause me to write down alot of meaningless information over and over again.


I don't understand what it is all about but i am obsessed with statistics like date of birth,seasons of the year etc.


Maybe i have alot of emotional baggage from a previous relationship which in my mind isnot over or complete.


I do take medication but it only helps me sleep doesn't cure the problem and i have a great fear of what people think of me and am constantly rediculed by the public this developes in to a persecution complex where i dare not go out with out fear and anxiety taking control, i listen to a walmman but the music doesn't soothe my nerves.


My mother suffered a similar illness and she was extremely self conscious,medication on it's own isn't enough seeing people who can make you laugh like friends i think is the answer,


The more you stay locked up in your house the worse the symptoms get.

Exercise and proper dietcan defeat the problem,alcohol and tablets will intensify the paranoia.good luck with your situation

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hi, can anyone help me. i have been suffering from night panic attacks for 14 years.... the doctors have gave up on me and i feel alone. i have seen this web page and thought someone might have the same sympoms as me. my attacks start at night, i am just going to sleep, when i think im dying and start screaming and crying, i run around my flat like a mad man, but im unable to control myself or stop screaming. it has given me a phobia about death, im terrified of dying. has anyone else got any of these symptoms or im i alone.

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hi, can anyone help me. i have been suffering from night panic attacks for 14 years.... the doctors have gave up on me and i feel alone. i have seen this web page and thought someone might have the same sympoms as me. my attacks start at night, i am just going to sleep, when i think im dying and start screaming and crying, i run around my flat like a mad man, but im unable to control myself or stop screaming. it has given me a phobia about death, im terrified of dying. has anyone else got any of these symptoms or im i alone.


This sounds like an extreme case. You say the doctors have given up on you... what do you mean? Such an extreme phobia should be taken seriously, and I think most doctors would agree with that.


I think you need a second opinion. Or a psychiatrist (no offence intended, I genuinely think that's what you need).

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As for anxiety and panic attacks...


I am, unfortunately, the type of person whom has suffered these in the past.

I wont go into too much depth regarding what triggers it. #


Back when I was 17, I passed out after a really harsh panic attack which stemmed from my girlfriend at the time cheating on me.

Last one I had was over finances. I get very very anxious about money (or lack of), and I do some mad s**t like bite away half of my fingers.


I'm yet to find a cure. I think I'm just prone to it.

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when i was 16 i seen a child psychologist, but didnt help so stopped going. doctors didnt want to give me drugs thought it was an attitude problem would sort itself out but it hasnt. im 29 now and have seen a psychologist again who is referring me to cbt. is this any good does it work? do you think st johns wort would help me?

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I get panic attacks alot, is there anything at all that they can give you for it cause believe me iv read pretty much every website on it


When I had a few problems with breahting not long before Christmas, they basically said that I needed to learn how to deal with it myself, possibly using a paper bag. Do you really want to be reliant upon medication? I know I don't.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i suffered with them five years ago i had chronic anxiety and had to be hospitalised.it was dreadful,but im not too bad now i learn to get by.so i completely understand what its like.no one can know what its like until they have had it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys. I'm glad I found this thread because its been quite a comfort. I've been having mild, short panic attacks for the last couple of months (maybe one a week) and I think it all stems from a nasy bout of food poisoning I had. This weekend has been particularly bad though and I've had two full blown panic attacks with all the horrible symptoms (trembling, nausea, almost passing out etc) lasting for a couple of hours each. Now I'm left with this constant sense of anxiety and a lump in my throat which I cant seem to shift and its pretty scary. I guess this is just expectation of another attack but its really difficult to deal with. Its only just started to get this bad this weekend so I dont want it to descend into some kind of full blown panic disorder where I get terrified of doing everyday stuff so I dont want to go to a GP where they'll just stick me on anti-depressants straight away which I think will probably make me worse. Any short term tips to try and shift this constant anxiety thing? Also, a lot of it seems to stem from alcohol (ie: I seem more susceptible the day after a big night out) - anyone else get this? Thanks for listening :)

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