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Not Skied for 15 years, is it like riding a bike?


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Going Skiing if a couple of weeks so thought I would go up to Xscape at Castleford to refresh my memory. Is it like riding a bike? Does it all come flooding back the moment you put your ski's on? You have to meet their requirements and be able to do link turns, control speed and use a button lift which I used to be able to do, I don;'t want the shame of getting there then being asked to leave!!


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no idea :D


the thing to remember is that your body has forgotten how to do all the stuff your head thinks you can do, and don't overdo it


do some leg exercises every day in the run up so you don't wear anything out and spoil your session on the day


have a good un :thumbsup:



(ooo - and if you get the chance - try blades!!!! )

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Hi Neeeeek, i recently went to Xscape after not skiing for 10 years, as a bit of advice, there are lifts up to the top of the slope, but if i was you i would let go half way, there is a flat bit and ample time to get away and have a few goes from that height before going from the top. It does come back though, well to get you by anyway :)

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Well I went to Xscape and was like a skiing demon! well... OK, possible exaggeration but i was really pleased. After a few runs I was better than I ever was when I went with school, I got off half way on my first run but that was the only time and I only ended up out of control and going backwards twice which I thought was a pretty good result! Looking forward to swapping turnips with the Bulgarian mafia and if the skiing goes wrong there are 4 strip joints in the family friendly resort of Borrovitz so I can earn a few extra quid.



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