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  1. gah! it was a lexus, i knew i was close with bmw. I stand by my comments. you bought 'upgraded' wheels. that means bigger and wider rim size, smaller profile tyres. which in turn means less impact resistance. fine if the roads are perfect but realistically no roads are totally perfect and by running such wheels you must accept that you have left yourself more liable to damage...
  2. so you are sueing the double parkers? all the council? or whoever made it night... ahh yes, the council, as they are a nice attractive body with plenty of money to lose. 'knocks the tyre of (sic) the tyre wall'? well im glad that at least you know what you are talking about.... what a heap of nonsense. and no im not a council inspector, im just your average joe, who lives in an area where crime seems to have stepped up 200% in the last month, and wishes that there was enough money left in councils, police etc. to help out, rather than to pay muppets who drive into stuff and damage their precious bmw. Face facts... if your foot is on the loud pedal, it's you that drove into the problem....
  3. yep, just like riding a bike. i took about 10 years off and just jumped back on. just go for it. xscape etc. are real snow anyways. what's the worst that can happen? just relax, it will all come back naturally. or you might crash a bit. but thats living isnt it?
  4. so drive round it! why do you expect all roads to be completely flawless?
  5. how can you possibly hope to claim for any of these things. like the person who wrote off a 250 quid wheel? give over. dodge the effing potholes. you know what sheffield is like, get a grip on yourself... frankly i'd consider it unlikely that a single wheel and tyre were £250 unless they were jazzy alloys/lo profile tires, and then you must accept that you are running a risk of damage due to reduced impact protection of thinner section tyres. why is everyone so sure they can get money out of everyone else for every little thing. suck it up! if you dont want to pay for such things, dont drive into holes and kerbs!
  6. Yes, i wasn't trying to flame you particularly, but essentially (and im sure you would agree to this) you are offering a situation where the vendor essentially gambles that his property WILL lose money, and thus through you they can jump off the falling property ladder... As such there is a particular risk, and need for caution, as they may be selling at a time when the market is turning, and their house beginning to pick up again... My original post was referring to the valuation process which is different to how i had assumed... If the independent valuation comes out to be more than you had suggested, do you adjust your offer upwards?
  7. a valuation that the potential vendor pays for, which is non-refundable? playing devil's advocate here... you come to my house (worth £100k for arguments sake) value it yourselves for £80k ( i pay for the valuation... then you offer me £50k. hmmm, and if i say no, you still charge me the £500 quid or so for the valuation - which is no doubt refundable if i let you buy my house for 50% of true market value?
  8. yeh hopefully that cleared it up, its because the earth is off axis and doesnt rotate with north at the north and south at the south. if you think about certain countries having 24 darkness in the winter, and 24 hour day in the summer this might help?
  9. tax bills/returns in by jan 31st isnt it? pretty sure it is as i've had a couple of self employed mates whining about massive tax bills to pay... still, i applaud the forward thinking. nearly 6 weeks to get a few receipts in. could get rich! or not..... wouldnt they be a bit suss about you having 30 different credit card numbers?
  10. hmmmm. alright then. ill let you off as you were no doubt paying more attention to not being splatted by idiot motorists on your way in. Filled up my bike the other day tho, and i reckon it was about 3 quid cheaper than the last time (back at the heady days of 1.20 a litre...) must be good... tempted to line the van with some waterproofing and fill her up while times are cheap!
  11. give over. just don't go there then. what difference does it make. its hardly outrageous for some people to charge more for things than others.... "I was filling up there this morning and suddenly noticed the price, ridiculous - and I couldn't believe how busy it was there either. Lots of people filling up! " and suddenly noticed the price? - suddenly? the big sign on the way in not giving you a hint then?
  12. nice idea... but if you dont want to do that the day after, you'll still have to pay for it. so then it cost you 3.20 to do all that stuff... and then if you are watching hollyoaks omnibus the day after, its now 4.80... i do see what you're saying, but ultimately buying monthly tickets as you suggest will set you back about £600 a year... fine if you do a lot. every day. otherwise not fine.
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