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Ecstacy, class A- are politicians mad?

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What makes you more respectable than 2 3rds of 18 - 25 year olds (I believe that's the figure for the number that have tried drugs at some point).


What makes you believe that you having a beer isn't as bad as someone smoking a joint, it just means that alcohol is your drug of choice.

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What makes you more respectable than 2 3rds of 18 - 25 year olds (I believe that's the figure for the number that have tried drugs at some point).


What makes you believe that you having a beer isn't as bad as someone smoking a joint, it just means that alcohol is your drug of choice.


Firstly I don't remember saying that I drink beer. Secondly one is legal and the other isn't.


(ps - I agree that excessive drinking should also be cracked down upon as part of the same process of making our clubs better places)

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If drugs are so bad, why do so many millions of people continue to use them recreationally? They don't get addicted. They don't spend all their money on them. They don't ruin their lives. They just have a bit of what the government has decided they shouldn't and run the risk of becoming a criminal in the process (like me).


The legality of dangerous drugs like alcohol and nicotine (not to mention prescription drugs) while relatively safe drugs remain 'Class A' is the issue here. I can also buy drugs legally that I consider to to be similar to or stronger than 'Es'. People have been fed lies about drugs by the 'powers' for the last 100 years at least.

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That's fine for you if you want to be nannied by the government but people should be free to make their own choices. Individual's lives are their own and if they want to take whatever then that is their choice.

Sorry, the government is here to govern a large group of people who are abiding by the laws, and wish to do so. If you want to rebel against that, then expect the law to come down on you. If you don't like it, then leave and go elsewhere where the law is more relaxed. Cos as far as I can tell, the law remain standing as it is, and there is not clause to readjust this at this moment in time. If there is an vote on this, I would still vote against it being less than Class A.


Everybody want their own choice, but you know that they cannot have their own choices. Hence it is a "democracy", where everyone can voice their opinions, but it will be the majority of the votes which will be decisive outcome.


People can indeed take whatever they like, but it does not mean that they won't break the law. So if they do break the law, then expect the government to clamp down on it. Do not be surprised, cry or moan about it, when you already know the law in this area.

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As they have from falling downstairs- should we ban stairs?

Don't be argumentative for the sake of it. People don't randomly and decidely fall down the stairs. Whereas individuals consciously decide to take drugs. They make the concious decision to do so. (Okay, given some people do not have that conscious decision any more because it is already addictive. e.g. heroin.) Statistics like that are ridiculous, and is not a good comparison, as they are not like for like. So, what does that prove? That there are a lot of things out there which could potentially harm you so that you should not lead a life, or to try and do anything?


Do you want to know what I think? I think that as a supposed educated nation, we are bloomin stupid! The increased usage of drugs numbs and dumbs the mind, and is not utilising to its best possibility, and I am sure that you notice that if you just try and detox your body. This is the same when we overdose ourselves with additives. Same thing with drugs, how can you really know if all of your ingested drugs are out of your body's system?


A lot of information on drugs are based on experiments done in a controlled environment, under a set condition. However, how can you use such things for your everyday joe's circumstances? They do not match, and it does not mean that if you take it, then you will have the exact results as the controlled experiment to begin with. The quantitative measure and the qualitative measure is not there to begin with! So therefore, all the research written and published are there for subjective interpretations, and also for use in conjunction with other factors too.


Maybe the average joe like to think that they are in control of their own destiny, and the government itself, but you should know that isn't the case, and we cannot all have our cake and eat it. That is life.

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If drugs are so bad, why do so many millions of people continue to use them recreationally? They don't get addicted. They don't spend all their money on them. They don't ruin their lives. They just have a bit of what the government has decided they shouldn't and run the risk of becoming a criminal in the process (like me).


The legality of dangerous drugs like alcohol and nicotine (not to mention prescription drugs) while relatively safe drugs remain 'Class A' is the issue here. I can also buy drugs legally that I consider to to be similar to or stronger than 'Es'. People have been fed lies about drugs by the 'powers' for the last 100 years at least.

If that is what you think, then you seem to be bordering on losing that reality take. I am sure that you think the government is hiding everything, even though you never sat down to really think about their role in society, and their remit. Why should any government take care of you?!


I don't get this mentality at all. People should take care of themselves. A lot of people make it sound like the government owe them so much, so much, even though as an individual, they have contributed so little.


A lot of published articles are sure in the internet now about how other cultures used to use cannabis, as a form of their culture, and a spiritual meaning too. I can also see that some people will want Es to provide them with this. If they wish to do this, then maybe it is time for them to opt out of being in the British culture, cos I am sure that Es were not invented a long time ago, and why should people drug themselves, and therefore impact on society as a whole?


Yes, some people do take drugs to the extreme and into their jobs too. I have seen that at least in a few companies that I have worked in. Their productivity rating goes way down too.

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Firstly I don't remember saying that I drink beer. Secondly one is legal and the other isn't.


(ps - I agree that excessive drinking should also be cracked down upon as part of the same process of making our clubs better places)


Legality wasn't part of your argument at all, the risk of dying was. And most things in life present risk, many of them more than taking ecstasy.

Legality is the issue were discussing, so if the best defence for it being illegal you can offer is that it's illegal, well then I think our work here is done.


I could be wrong, but I think you've said in the past that you drink. Even if you don't, are you going to tell me that you don't drink coffee either, or tea, and you've never taken a paracetamol, or will you just reply that they aren't illegal, as if that matters in a discussion about whether should be or shouldn't be illegal.

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Sorry, the government is here to govern a large group of people who are abiding by the laws, and wish to do so. If you want to rebel against that, then expect the law to come down on you. If you don't like it, then leave and go elsewhere where the law is more relaxed. Cos as far as I can tell, the law remain standing as it is, and there is not clause to readjust this at this moment in time. If there is an vote on this, I would still vote against it being less than Class A.


Everybody want their own choice, but you know that they cannot have their own choices. Hence it is a "democracy", where everyone can voice their opinions, but it will be the majority of the votes which will be decisive outcome.

A liberal democracy lets everyone do what the hell they like, at least where it doesn't have an impact on anyone else. Which means that if it's yours (which your body is) then it's up to you what you do with it.


People can indeed take whatever they like, but it does not mean that they won't break the law. So if they do break the law, then expect the government to clamp down on it. Do not be surprised, cry or moan about it, when you already know the law in this area.


Again, the law is what we are discussing, so referring to the current law as if it somehow supports your argument is circular and weak.

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