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Great rock vocalists - who's the Daddy?


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Originally posted by LordChaverly

Could be. I remember him singing it live on BBC TV years ago and i thought he said 'ball chain puller'. Probably my memory playing tricks.


What on earth is a 'bat chain puller'?


No idea, but Don always did have a nice turn of phrase.

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Here are the lyrics. I am none the wiser now though. A textual exegesis of the lines below I suspect wouldn't be very rewarding or enlightening. Perhaps the guy was high on dope when he wrote it, or perhaps it was one of the first experiments in random poetry written by an early computer. The point is though he delivered the lines with great elan, so it didn't really matter if they were largely gibberish.




Bat chain


Bat chain puller

Puller, puller


A chain with yellow lights

That glistens like oil beads

On its slick smooth trunk

That trails behind on tracks, and thumps

A wing hangs limp and retreats


Bat chain puller

Puller puller


Bulbs shoot from its snoot

And vanish into darkness

It whistles like a root snatched from dry earth

Sodbustin’ rakes with grey dust claws

Announces its coming in the morning

This train with grey tubes

That houses people’s very thoughts and belongings.


Bat chain puller

Puller puller


This train with grey tubes that houses people’s thoughts,

Their very remains and belongings.

A grey cloth patch

Caught with four threads

In the hollow wind of its stacks

Ripples felt fades and grey sparks clacks,

Lunging the cushioned thickets.

Pumpkins span the hills

With orange crayola patches.

Green inflated trees

Balloon up into marshmallow soot

That walks away in forty circles,

Caught in grey blisters

With twinkling lights and green sashes


Pulled by rubber dolphins with gold yawning mouths

That blister and break in agony

In souls of rust

They kill gold sawdust into dust.


Bat chain puller

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This should be quite easy to answer, but it isn't. No one has yet mentioned Lennon (unless you prove otherwise) and his omission is strange. From the torn larynx of Twist and Shout, to Yer Blues and the craaaa---zzzz---y primal screams of Well, Well Well to the softer, innocent and frankly, painful John of Jealous Guy and #9 Dream. A voice which sounds both delicate and yet in a sense, damaged at the same time.


Freddie Mercury is up there somewhere, probably near the summit. His passion, delivery and style; I don't know, he brought something so unique, so Him to Queen's songs. An incredible vocal range (contrast George Michael's rendition of Somebody To Love) but the winner for me, is the fact that he was capable of singing with the best in classical - as on Barcelona, an element he took into his own songwriting. Plus, add to all this, arguably rock's finest front-man. What a guy!


Us Brits can also boast early Rod, early Elton and definitely early Bowie - each had their own sound and style. I like Bono's earlier stuff too (Pride is indeed passionate).


Emotion, power, but something more - the Front Man attitude. I think pound for pound I'm still looking at Freddie. But then, there's our Noddy Holder. What a gob!


Mind if I pass on this one!!!!!

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Lord Chaverley,

Some of Beefheart's lines really stick in one's mind, and the desire to say them at inappropriate moments is hard to resist. I like 'I'm just, uh, sort of, thread, with, uh, drooped body' from When Big Joan Sets Up [from Troutmask], and 'Sleepin' on the Bayou in an old rotten cot' from the title track of Clear Spot.


I hear he lives in a trailer in the Mojave Desert these days, spending his time painting. Would that he would return to the sonic world. Will we ever hear again the voice that sang, 'I'm gonna Boogalarise ya Baby!'? One rather hopes so.

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