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Warming baby food in town NIGHTMARE!!

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Maybe be annoying for you but from a business point of view it makes perfect sense in the current culture of sue everyone for anything, if your baby refuses cold food point blank you could always consider a portable warmer, or ask for a cup of boiling water, for the jar, they can't refuse to give you one.



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If its just a bottle you want heating up then my mums trick may come in use, take a spring clothes peg and a pencil in your bag with the bottle, then ask anyone in any shop if you could use their kettle for a minute to heat a baby bottle up, simply place the pencil through the hole in the peg and suspend the bottle by the teat held by the peg over a boiling kettle about an eighth full of water and hey presto warm milk and the steam helps to sterilise the bottle.... :thumbsup:

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When my kids were babies I was always out and about (unlike now, they're in their teens and I'm the laziest mum ever:( ).


I soon discovered that they still wolfed down their food whether it was warm or not. I was sitting on a bench in the centre of Glossop, no warming facilities anywhere, and in desperation spooned the food out cold from the pot to my daughter. She ate it ravenously, and I realised that she wasn't bothered whether it was warm or cold. :)

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