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Mother of 8 complaining about state of house

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No, because I made damn sure I only had kids that I could afford. If my house needs repairs me and hubby have to pay for them. The fact is she got herself in the Star wanting everyone to feel sorry for her being missed out when she's got 8 kids at home. Why go to the paper, personally I think she's lucky to have a roof over her head at all and I'm sure when the Council had been informed of their error they would have got round to sorting her property out.


Probably Council were waiting for the next months Council tax to come in so they could afford to pay for someone to come and carry out the repairs. Its simple if you want things to happen then find the means to make it happen yourself.


Can you tell us where it says she is recieving any benefits or anything she is not entitled to?


As this seems to be the point of the story your basing your bitterness on, it would be nice to see the facts.


Yet someone else who believes everything they read, and then make up the rest to suit their own motive.


Why do you think the Star mentioned she had 8 kids? to help her? to help you? or to sell papers to people with nothing better to do than complain about total strangers that they actually know nothing about?

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' I can't afford to have kids' is the saddest lie people tell themselves.


Rubbish. Children are expensive and to be honest none of the people who I know who come from posh and less well off areas such as Page Hall, Wincobank. All made the decision to only have a few kids because of this reason.


The point when I started this thread was that this woman wanted to bring the story to public attention to get her house fixed and her kids were included to create sympathy. For all we know there may be reasons why the Council have not decided to do it/or being able to.


Someone has mentioned that the Star did not write the article as well as they

could which has meant the woman has been criticised for the life she has. Unfortunately that happens when you go to the press because they sensationalise articles and if this lady has ended up being criticised because of it then she only has herself to blame.

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does that make it ok then, you can be as opinionated and abusive towards people as you like, even with no basis of fact, as long as you can blame it on what you've read/assumed?




Yes, I am allowed to have an opinion - democracy and all that!


Abusive: where in all of my posts have I been abusive?


Unfortunately I do have strong opinions about this type of thing and yes it will upset some people, especially those in similar positions.


Surely opinions are what forums are about!:suspect:

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Children are expensive


They can be, dependant on what type of lifestyle you feel you need to give them to feel like your a 'good' parent, but love, care, morals, etc don't cost a penny.


My grandmother brought ten kids up pretty much on her own, worked three jobs to do so, true they might not have had holidays abroad or wished to get up to the eyes in debt so the neighbours would think they were better than them, but back then the neighbours didn't have much either, but they had what mattered, the free stuff.

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They can be, dependant on what type of lifestyle you feel you need to give them to feel like your a 'good' parent, but love, care, morals, etc don't cost a penny.


My grandmother brought ten kids up pretty much on her own, worked three jobs to do so, true they might not have had holidays abroad or wished to get up to the eyes in debt so the neighbours would think they were better than them, but back then the neighbours didn't have much either, but they had what mattered, the free stuff.


I think you're being a bit naive here. Love, care, morals certainly don't cost anything. However, mortages, shoes, clothes, food, utility bills do and the bigger the family the more money you need.

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I think you're being a bit naive here. Love, care, morals certainly don't cost anything. However, mortages, shoes, clothes, food, utility bills do and the bigger the family the more money you need.



Yep, never heard the saying ' cut your cloth according to your need?' so many people are used to living beyond their means nowadays they don't even realise they are doing so anymore, being in debt, mortgages, it's all second nature.


Not everyone lives like that, using past generations as a reference shows how many many families did have huge families, and survived.


People choose their lifestyle, if you want materialistic things in your life great, just don't judge other people by your own greed.

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