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Sheffield General Cemetery MEGATHREAD (excl. tours)


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There's another thread on this already, alquar. The good news is that the number of letters and emails of opposition so far has been so great that the planning officer hasn't had time to post the legal notice on the building yet, so we've got another three weeks before the new deadline! Complaining works!


In a couple of weeks' time the Cemetery bods are planning a zombie march in fancy dress to the town hall to deliver the petitions. I'll post further details later. But keep up the pressure - remember, there is an alternative plan!

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Probably on a hiding to nothing here but I don't see a massive problem with this.


The church is disused and derelict and from the plans it doesn't look like any "green space" will be taken. Just a rather scruffy bit of pathway and trees/bushes that wou would be mad to hang aorund after dark. Not exactly the Peak District is it?

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Probably on a hiding to nothing here but I don't see a massive problem with this.


The church is disused and derelict and from the plans it doesn't look like any "green space" will be taken. Just a rather scruffy bit of pathway and trees/bushes that wou would be mad to hang aorund after dark. Not exactly the Peak District is it?


Barny I suggest you seek out the proper thread and educate yourself with correct information. I am not going to repeat it all again. There are massive problems with this particular application. There is, however, an alternative restoration plan which is far superior in every way. But the current application must be stopped first before the better plans have any chance of going ahead.


People have a right to their opinion but not when it comes from ignorance of the situation


Oh, and just to clarify: the council are not selling the chapel. It was sold two decades ago to a private owner who has done no work on it. The man who has put in this planning application does not yet own the lease, but is using the application to try and guaruntee the sale.

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Barny I suggest you seek out the proper thread and educate yourself with correct information. I am not going to repeat it all again. There are massive problems with this particular application. There is, however, an alternative restoration plan which is far superior in every way. But the current application must be stopped first before the better plans have any chance of going ahead.


People have a right to their opinion but not when it comes from ignorance of the situation


I suggest you dump the condescending attitude.


I'm not that interested so am not going to look into this thread to look at the alternative plans however I would say "better" is a subjective word. Who say's this alternative plan is far superior?

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I suggest you dump the condescending attitude.


I'm not that interested so am not going to look into this thread to look at the alternative plans however I would say "better" is a subjective word. Who say's this alternative plan is far superior?


Condescending? I would say 'informed'. If you are willfully ignorant of something, you have no right to an opinion on it. If you're not interested why did you bother writing your sloppily ignorant opinion? And yes I can say that the alternatives are better because 100% of the people who've seen the alternative plans say they are better, including council members. Or is that not good enough for you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The battle for the chapel is heating up ... there have been so many objections that the developer's proposal doesn't have much of a chance ... BUT he is going to submit a slightly modified proposal which means that the objections will all have to be made again ...


... there is going to be a protest about this involving zombie costumes this Friday afternoon ... more info on another Sheffield Forum thread here .

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