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Tired of the Gym?

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British Military Fitness (BMF) has finally made it to Sheffield.


I have been emailing them for the last few years, to request that they run classes in Sheffield. The classes are held at Graves Park, with parking at the Animal Farm car park.


If you are bored of going to the gym, want some really positive motivation, fun or are just intriqued, I can fully recommend you give it a go.


The first class is FREE, so you really don't have anything to loose. The classes are run at 7pm Tuesday and Thursday, and 10am on Saturday mornings.

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I can totally recommend these classes! I have been going 3 times a week for just 2 weeks now and I love it! Its hard, but you get so much encouragement and everyone is so friendly, that its fun! I would recommend it to anyone!


Are they all male instructors?

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