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Remember any old silly verses etc you were told as a child

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oranges and lemons said the bells of st clements

i owe you five farthings said the bells of st martins

when will you pay me said the bells of old bailey

when i grow rich said the bells of shorditch

when will that be said the bells of stepney

i do not know said the great bells of bow

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I've just found my poem book from my first year (1955-56) at Malin Bridge Junior. Inside the back cover I wrote my favourite Edward Lear limerick:


...There was an old man with a beard,

...Who said "It is just as I feared!

...Two owls and a hen,

...Four larks and a wren,

...Have all built their nests in my beard!"


Now I am the old man with a beard....

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we willy winky

running through the town

upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown.




"Wee willie winkie

Runs through the town

Upstairs and downstairs,

In his nightgown.

Rapping on the windows

Crying at the lock

Are the children

In their beds

It's past Eight o'clock?"

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