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Will she get used to the cat?

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Well she might calm down with the cat but from what you said she sounds as if she doesn't like cats at all, as Katkin said terriers can be really bad for chasing cats and in my experience if it is an ingrained dislike then that will not change.


You could persevere with the crate for a while but make sure that the cat has somewhere safe to go where the dog can't get her, maybe a gate on the stairs so the cat can go up there out of the way and not be chased or followed.

I think ultimately you have to decide whether to give it a couple of weeks and try to introduce them more slowly...if you think that you can do that, or let the dog go to another home without cats.

Maybe let the dog go to another rescue that will take care of her and check out people who want to adopt her?

I don't want to be judgmental at all but if you have had a few dogs in the past and its not worked out perhaps you should call it a day now, perhaps your not really in the right place in life for a dog at the moment.

Please don't get another, its just stress and upset, for both you and the dog.

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you sound very desperate for her to go, am sure the cat will just get out of the way


It only takes once for the cat not to get out of the way.......... I don't need to say more.

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thats just it my cat doesnt, shes stupid my cat she doesnt even ove when i pull up on drive i have to get out and move her, she seems to have no sense of danger, i know i havent had the dog long but ive even thought about getting rid of my cat for her now no dog has everhad this effect on me, but shes different

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I know it's the other way round and I introduced a kitten to my dogs but a week on they've really settled down.


Mixie is even suckling on Jenny if it means she can steal some cat food.

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all the dogs i have had in the past have been pups, which is why ive got an older dog this time, i do think she needs a new home, she really dislikes the cat is there no one onhere who can take her


The dog is your responsibility now, other people can't just take her away for you, this is something you need to sort out.

Call a few rescue centers tomorrow and see if any will take her though there might be a waiting list, please make sure that she is safe you owe her that much surely?

Please don't just give her to anyone who offers, I know you may be feeling desperate but nasty things can happen to little dogs, not everyone is what and who they seem :sad:

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