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March Photo meet


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Seems like Wentworth gets the vote!

So, we'll meet at the tea rooms at Wentwoth Garden Centre on Saturday 8th Mrch ***(NOTE THE CHANGE OF DATE)***

Impinabox has room for 1 short person! in his car.

Me&Pippo - are you coming & do you need a lift?

neoteric - do you need a lift as well?

We have room for 1 more if you like being cosy! So, let us know if you need a lift.

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well, if everyone doesn't mind, we could put it back on for tomorrow, if everyone who's shown an interest confirms, So, Wentworth ***Sat 1st*** - is that ok everyone?

Put it back a week as I thought it was too short notice to arrange somwthing alse, but seeing as there's only a few shown an interest & we've arranged something - TOMORROW _ OK?

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Was just about to say I'll come when I read 8th of March, seeing as I have plans for tomorrow! But never mind, I'll do the trip another time. It's strange that I have been to Wentworth garden centre many a time, yet I've never been fully round the gardens or even ever seen the house, which looks incredible!

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