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Why is dating and marrying for money a predominantly female pastime?

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Well, completely missed the point of the example. We aren't talking about specific individuals, we are talking about generalised behaviour of humans as a whole.

So it looks like you're the eedjit! :P


That's ironic, because what usually happens is the girl in her twenties gets strung along by the older, richer guy, who has been married twice before and has no intention of having kids with trophy wife/girlfriend no. 3, but when she's getting too old to have them, he bins her. He doesn't want her getting stretch marks and getting too big to fit neatly in the passenger seat of his ferrari. Neither does he want another child to pay for out of his dwindling wealth, or his finances might be too tight to secure no.4!

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Don't forget we all have different tastes,

Well of course we do, otherwise most people would never get a look in ... I was commenting on the irony of ugly men seemingly believing they have a chance with someone better.


Plus women age quite poorly compared to men

Where do you get that idea from, most women look a good 10 or even 20 years younger than a man the same age, if he's let himself go really badly ...


Men gets distinguished as they get older, women simply get less attractive. One of those unfair things about life.


If it comforts you to think that ... :hihi:


You're comical, I'll grant you that, so as a lot of women put sense of humour at the top of their list ... you should be in with a chance.

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Unfortunately our human behaviour does go back to our evolution and even though we don't understand why people act the way they do anymore in our modern world jezzyjj is correct in stating it is our instincts. Women look for men who can provide for their offspring and men look for a young fertile young woman its really quite simple after all even though we like to put ourselves high in intelligence we are still only animals with the same instincts. The greatest one being to reproduce as in all animals.

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Unfortunately our human behaviour does go back to our evolution and even though we don't understand why people act the way they do anymore in our modern world jezzyjj is correct in stating it is our instincts. Women look for men who can provide for their offspring and men look for a young fertile young woman its really quite simple after all even though we like to put ourselves high in intelligence we are still only animals with the same instincts. The greatest one being to reproduce as in all animals.


There's a vast difference between looking for a slightly older man who can protect his family and provide security for you and your offspring and exchanging your youth and beauty for the wealth of some old munter with a fat wallet. And most women wouldn't be able to bring themselves to do it.


And with the exception of 'aging rockers' Rod and Mick, who seem to have an almost insane desire to reproduce themselves, don't try to tell us that most old men with young girls are exactly thinking about what lovely babies they'll be having! :)


Bringing animals into it never works either, other animals don't have this hang-up with looks and money, old bitches and cats still get mated ...

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Well of course we do, otherwise most people would never get a look in ... I was commenting on the irony of ugly men seemingly believing they have a chance with someone better.
I don't disagree with that, it's simplya reflection of men's overconfidence about all things, not just their look. But although it's not unusual to see ugly man/pretty girl, it's very rare to see ugly girl/handsome man as confidence, even misplaced can be attractive to some women. As that's often a sign of power, a prime attractor.


Where do you get that idea from, most women look a good 10 or even 20 years younger than a man the same age, if he's let himself go really badly ...
Well duh! And if a women lets herself go badly and the man doesn't the exact opposite is true. Hardly an argument. Not exactly compring like with like. But society's acceptence of beauty demands a wrinkle free, non-grey haired woman, yet a man can become more wrinkled and grey as may be seen as distinguished, it's far less important if a man get older compared to a woman's aging with regard to accepted beauty, thinking otherwise is simply deluded.

Women over 35-40 usually disappear from sight in the media outside of news stories. Plenty of men get staring roles in movies long after they turn 40, even if grey, wrinkly or podgy, whereas a woman will struggle to get any role at as she no longer seen as attractive. This is society's view BTW, so don't attact me for saying it.

Saw 'In the Valley Of Ellah' last night. The main star was a old craggy weather beaten, out of condition guy, the female lead was an ex-model who looked out of place amongst the fat + ugly men she worked with.



If it comforts you to think that ... :hihi:

Nothing to do with comfort, it's the reality of life, just like if a man sleeps around he's a stud and if a woman does the same she's a slag, again it's not fair, but that's how it's viewed by society.


You're comical, I'll grant you that, so as a lot of women put sense of humour at the top of their list ... you should be in with a chance.
Well if misreading posts, makes you laugh, there's lot more on SF to keep you chuckling.:P
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How's that ironic, what you just wrote has nothing whatsoever to do with my post you quoted?? :confused:

Have you misquoted or misread? One may even wonder by the bitter tone and very specific description, that this was not just a random description.


I presume you're referring to my previous post, even though you have not quoted it here.


No, I've not misread. No, I've not misquoted. Earlier you said that it was about a woman's child-bearing age and then, in the post I quoted, you said you were talking 'as a generalisation'. I was pointing out my belief, with examples, that your generalisation is a misconception as a woman's child-bearing age is often irrelevant in the matter.


Your reference to what you perceive as a 'bitter tone' and that my example was not a 'random description' is just a further example of your delusions. Actually, THAT is ironic, but that's another story, and my personal business, not yours.


It's a shame that, when challenged about your opinion, you've felt it necessary to turn a discussion into a personal attack but I'm afraid that says more about you, than me.

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I just went and took a glance at your website, please tell me that the specimen with the fag isn't an example of one of these 'distinguished' older men you were on about?


Or god forbid, you even? Or I shall have to retract my comment of you being in with a chance with someone ... :hihi:

Nope it's not me. But, I'm not sure which image you are talking about as there are several chaps smoking [fake cigarettes BTW as they are non-smokers] One of them has the chap deliberately made up to look as ugly and unnatttractive as posssible, so hardly germane. And another is one of the most popular photos in my portfolio inspite of the chap being mid 50s, balding and a bit wrinkly. If it was a woman of the same age, I doubt it would get much attention.

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