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Benazir Bhutto killed following bomb attack.

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I went to see my father, earlier today, and he and his friends were incredulous about the whole story. (And indeed I am also of the opinion that it all doesn't exacly add up!)


In fact one of us said, "By gum! You what? She surves a bullet through her neck, and another through her head, as well as the blast impact of the bomb, but is felled by a bump on the head from the handle of the sun roof? there's something more than a bit fishy here!"

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Something else has just occurred to me about the sun roof lever explanation:


What make of car was it?

Do sun roofs, at least on that make of car, even have such a lever that could do such damage?

What part of her head did it enter?


I saw on TV a doctor or someone from the government showing an x-ray of her head, he said something along the lines that it couldn't have been a bullet that made the wound because there are no signs of an alien object.


If the bullet passed straight through her skull, why would there be any signs of an foreign object?!


Also, I seem to remember the x-ray that the government showed, only showed one part of the skull, it didn't show the part of the skull where an exit wound would be!


Putting that all together with the video evidence all suggests that cause of death was certainly not as a result of the bomb blast.


Which if that is the case then why is the bomb blast being given as an offical explanation? I think like others have said, if they had said it was as a result of a bullet wound then there would be more evidence to investigate and trace those responsible. But then, why would the Pakistani government not want to do that?


At very least there is something very wrong about the story being told because it seems that for such a high profile death there is very little in the way of an investigation.

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Channel Four has just shown a new video which clearly shows that Bhutto's hair and headscarf are blown upwards by *something* before she falls sideways and back into the car, before the explosion itself. Hopefully it will prove evidence enough that the sunroof lever story is a crock.

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