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What are the side effects of withdrawing from Citalopram?

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Hi i started suffering from panic attacks out of no where, in november 2011.

I was not depressed i was actually happy in my life, everything was going great and i just suddenly started getting them daily. Didnt like the idea of being on antidepressants at the age of 24, but i had to.

I started taking 20mg of citalopram, after 3 weeks of horrible side effects they finally started to kick in, i never felt better.

Two weeks ago i decided i feel better enough to lower my dosage.

So i went to my doctor and she has put me on 10mg everyday for a month, then 10mg every other day the next month, then ill be off them.

I havent had any side effects really only the weird dreams people have been mentioning, and a little bit of heart palpatations now an again just before i go to sleep, but nothing major at all.

I would advise people to start doing a new exercise routine aswell, the last few months i have been doing fitness workouts 2 to 3 days a week and its really helped out with my anxiety and panic, and just generally feeling good and better about myself.

Exercise and healthy eating are alot better than any drug i think, and thats what im trying to keep to. :)

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I was on Citalopram, 40mg, for some time, but my cardiologist has pressed me to swap to Sertraline. (Zoloft/ lustral)


I have arrhythmia (with a pacemaker) and apparently Citalopram can make arrhythmia worse, so for safety's sake, he wants me on a safer alternative.


I cut down to 20, and then from 20 to nothing, for a fortnight till all the Citalopram was out of my system, before I could start on the new medication. I've been on Sertraline for a few days, now, and am waiting for it to start kicking in.

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  • 6 months later...

For some reason over the last week I have forgotten to take my tablet, must have been at least 5 days then I was wondering why I was feeling out of sorts, headaches, nausea, weird dreams then I realised I hadn't been taking it, started again and headaches still there a bit, exhausted, aching etc, who would have thought such a tiny pill could cause so much!

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After a year of takinga 20mg dose of Citalopram i feel stable and well enough to start coming off it.


However, as is typical of my GP, i have received no guidance about any side effects i might experience and am therefore, rather clueless about what to expect. I have had a search on the internet but can't seem to find much.


I have reduced my dose to 20mg every other day for 10 days now. In the first few days i experienced anxiety but was able to rise above it because i have now developed effective coping mechanisms. However, more worrying is the sickness and dizziness i had during a hypnotherapy session. I have had vivid dreams but am not inclined to complain or be worried about those!


Has anyone any advice please?


The only real side effect i got was being irratable, i am now on only 10mg every other day and this seems to be working, although i do forget to take it often so think it may be time to reduce to next stage, good luck and keep with it

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I'm sorry my post has nothing to do with Citalopram, but I've noticed a few posts recommending St Johns Wort. Just thought I'd let any ladies on the Pill who are thinking of taking SJW that it can actually decrease the effectiveness of the Pill - some research says it stops it completely and some says 'in certain cases it can' but I thought I'd mention it as there does seem to be certain evidence to say it does decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives :)

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I'm sorry my post has nothing to do with Citalopram, but I've noticed a few posts recommending St Johns Wort. Just thought I'd let any ladies on the Pill who are thinking of taking SJW that it can actually decrease the effectiveness of the Pill - some research says it stops it completely and some says 'in certain cases it can' but I thought I'd mention it as there does seem to be certain evidence to say it does decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives :)


St John's Wort is also contraindicated in people who are epileptic/ taking anti-convulsants like Phenytoin.


Apparently it can reduce the effectiveness of the anticonvulsant medication, leading to an increase in seizures.

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Does anyone who takes Citalopram suffer from excess sweating especially around the face and neck? I have being trying to find out what is causing it and I think it must be these as the other drugs I take dont give sweating as a side effect. I would be glad of any help on how to stop the sweating. Would changing the tablets be an idea?

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Does anyone who takes Citalopram suffer from excess sweating especially around the face and neck? I have being trying to find out what is causing it and I think it must be these as the other drugs I take dont give sweating as a side effect. I would be glad of any help on how to stop the sweating. Would changing the tablets be an idea?


Can't advise on how to stop it but I suffer terribly from this. I'm not sure how much is the menopause and how much the meds, but I do know it's pretty unbearable.

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