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Everything posted by fatbaz

  1. welfare and pensions secratery 17th of feb made first comments of the subject, believe it was the mail that first brought it to press and was followed by various other tabloids since then and still keep bringing up points on it. get to the heart of the problem and maybe the economy may benefit, or is it you prefer the system as it is:huh:
  2. my own personal view on motorists that do not insure is they should be taken with the vehicle directly to the crusher and made to watch their vehicle become a box of scrap and then within 1 month have their licence revoked for 12 months, it would soon make people wake up smell the coffee and pay like the rest of us
  3. Given that recent news paper comments point to a broken welfare system fuelling mass immigration over the last decade or so, is the system beyond its sell by date? and if so what can be done to to stop immigration braking the camels back? far to much money appears to be coming out of the system for it to cope and recent comments from i believe the metro paper suggested that muslims on benefits were more likely to have more children than other groups, given this as an example of how the benefits system is manipulated is it time for a policy change on both benefits and an exact immigration cap?: what are your :idea:s
  4. doubt what u saw was really anything that could not be explained logically, as for it being something sinister well suggest u check your cigarette supplier and take lots of rest dont stay up so late:hihi:
  5. the bigger picture to this is that due to the anything goes policy britain has become a country that has become obsessed with wealth and greed and it has fuelled migration on a mass scale and a extra large gravy train was created and unfortunatley the gravies dried up and were stuck with the mess and theres no fairy liquid to clean it up ?
  6. sheffield is suffering several problems caused by several factors:- 1) lack of investment after the second world war 2) poor planning and application of funds 3) poor local council policy 4) mass influx of imigrants 5) loss of manufacturing base the city has become a mass sprawl of developement with lack of focus and provision resulting in old run down areas a mix with new build of which imigration and poverty run through the heart of the city and awash with fast food shops, the council continue to throw large sums of money at the city with little prospect of it ever meeting its potential.
  7. yes first destination bankrupcy, a bus costs around 150k and does around 5 miles to the gallon, you have to pay the council for using main bus stations, insurance is astranomical, servicing takes place every 28 days, etc etc, still think a 10 note each will do the job then its time u woke up:hihi:
  8. if more immigrants comin in than goin out the systems failing you can,t pay out more thans comin in the goverment coffers, as for u understandin how the eu works, don,t believe a word u sayin, even the politicians bein takin out more than they putin in, this country has not yet made woman equal to men else the women would be paid the same wages, the same as the masses of foreigners surpress their women (arranged marages, prayin seperatley, do you need more.
  9. whats modern about it, weve been going backwards for the last ten years, if you sayin this progress god help us (oh forgot he don,t exist either), they said there,d be no war after 1st world war, and that time was thankfully gone, only to get bit up the ass a 2nd time watch your ass it might just get bit and you,ll be askin the likes of me to fight for your survival ( i can hear you now at the bar hangin back whilst the rest of us are gettin a round in)
  10. if you,d read my response you,d see those that want to work and have fallen on hard times was not being slated i was bangin on about the scroungers that have done nothin but scrounge since leavin school. good luck to those who have fallen on bad times:)
  11. no not outdated by anymeans get down to the work place and ask at grass roots level as for politicians if you believe a word they say then more fool you, don,t leave your back door open, someone will be in it stuffed to the hilt. wake up and wipe your eyes, clear the fog from in front of you and you may see the road ahead.
  12. they haven,t obviously heard of the very rewarding benefit system we have and the fact that you can set up a kebab shop via a grant, bet alistair darling and the rest of the cabinet are breathing a sigh of relief, not to mention the postoffice staff who dish out the giro,s.
  13. right then prove your tosh, mandela and muggabe what genetic similarities do they have with me as opposed to each other? i note the word likely, in your phrasing, bit like ill be likely to win the lottery on sat night:hihi:
  14. obviously you ain,t the red white and blue must be of mixed origin, or maybe sufferin from a bump on the head, wake up before the system fails. as for shutting up free speech mate, but if its left to the likes of you, females will be wearin burkas and only speakin when told to.
  15. when did you last see migration of the mases, coming to join the great gravy train never, the ones that did come didn,t come in the quantaties were seeing them in and when they did come they had to fight for it, they simpley arrive via great global bus route stick their hand out and appathetic idiots that are polaticians give our powers to brussels so they can say you can have benefits just join the others sponging off the state. good old red white and blue will pay. as for religion just a load of old tosh spouted thru the ages followed by those easily led (and no i aint racist just wan,t immigration contol zero tolerance)
  16. if you go to history you will see that as you put it black man to nairobi, man over the ages is teritorial and that the vast majority of people born in a region do not move they stop within a small area of birth, thats why we have the different races of the world all from their own geological areas, mass air travel and the large lorries and quantities of them and a poor immigration control and benefits a plenty means that all coluors and nationalities are suited to the uk, remove the free welfare state and the uk don,t look so good, noticed the poles are going home.
  17. have you considered that it is the responsibilty of the person wishing to travel to have correct coinage to pay the fare, and if every one who boarded a tram or bus had their mmoney ready in their hand and paid promptley with the correct coinage the conductor or bus driver could get on with their job, in the instance of the bus driver he could drive the route:hihi:
  18. just think of the red white and blue union jack, the queen will have to fly a flag all the colours of the spectrum, just to please everyone:hihi:
  19. the lad that was done at work was done on the monday and by friday the same week had filled out his reply to nip and by the tenth day had been given his date for the speed awareness course so maybe you not gonna get a letter (hope you dont )
  20. i do believe that the goverment and the public in general are slowley waking up to the fact that there is a large number of cases of subdefuge when it comes to claiming benefits and that the long term claimants are slowly going to be removed from their place of privalige payouts, but just like this big white elephant has grown over a long period (say 10years) it is going to take some considerable time for the elephant to shrink.
  21. just think if we keep taking the immigrants like we do and they keep re-producing like they do and the most popular name is mohammed and unemployment keeps rising, do you think the dhss will have to introduce in around 18 years time mohammed mondays? just think it,ll just be like orange wednesdays but instead of queing for the popcorn they,ll be queing for the giro, could this become a reality?
  22. so zero cases should spell zero pay cheque for the scroungers, but i don,t see the long term unemployed not gettin a payout, just go to the local postoffice on benefit day and it takes you ages to get served cos they that busy handing out the freebies that the working have paid for.
  23. yes the tram conductor can keep your note refer to the rules on public transport payment of fares (and yes im a bus driver).
  24. can you supply figures to give us the true extent of some benefit scroungers, because i do believe if you delve into the real murkey world of the long term unemployed, the immigrant element and the long term dissability element it will open your eyes to a vast pay cheque that the working are paying, i understand that due to the economic down turn that the unemployed figures have grown significantly over the past months and that these unfortunate individuals that have paid into the system are the real people in need, the long term won,t get of their ar!! brigade should have a reduction to make them contribute to society rather than continually bleed the system dry.
  25. i believe that the current system for speeding in sheffield in a 30mph is 10% plus 4 you then get a nip (notice of intention to prosecute) you fill in the form to challenge or accept, once yove made your decision if its an accept they will make a decision on weather to give you speed awareness course at about £100 or 3 points and £60 fine. another driver at work gave me the info he,s just been done. but for the exact rule you can phone 0114 296 1266 for the safety camera partnership under the freedom of information act they are oblighed to tell you. hope this helps. (took my mate 5 days for his letter to turn up).
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