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Everything posted by sufc1968

  1. I think the main problem is the price of pint in your local pub club There was a time when you didn't have to give a thought to what the cost of a night out would cost. Pint of beer has been an easy target for successive governments to rise taxes from. Beer Tax Beer duty has risen 42% in the last three years. Successive above inflation increases in beer duty and the VAT rise to 20% has hit pub goers hard. On average, you now pay over £1 in beer duty and VAT for every single pint you buy in the pub (see the table below). The UK now has the second highest duty on beer in the European Union. Unless we can change Government plans UK beer duty will soon be the highest in Europe. Increases in tax on beer and the VAT rise are fueling a shift in beer consumption away from pubs. Almost half of all beer is now sold in off licences and supermarket chains as beer drinkers seek to avoid tax rises. In just six years there has been a 30% collapse in the volume of beer sold in pubs as more than 7,000 pubs have closed forever. Beer supports over 1 million jobs; generates over £21 billion in taxes and is vital to the survival of pubs. Despite this unfair beer duty hikes are forcing the beer sector to shrink. The tax on a pint of 5% beer in the pub Price of a Pint Excise Duty VAT Total Tax % Tax Take £2.50 55.40p 41.67p 97.07p 38.8% £3.00 55.40p 50p 105.4p 35.1% £3.50 55.40p 58.33p 113.73p 32.4% ---------- Post added 19-01-2013 at 17:57 ---------- Sad situation I don't live a that side of town but the bellhouse has been my choice of venue on Christmas Day dinner for the last 16 years.
  2. All workers should unite in a general strike and show our anger at the powers that be at the cost of living one out all out.
  3. Just walked past still shut, looks like they have quite a bit of food spoilage,all in bags in big cages.
  4. My water pipe and stoptap runs up on the outside of my house from ground level and enters the kitchen i've not measured the pipe as yet as it boxed in, but at a rough guess I would say it's just over 1m in length, (I understand that i will have to dismantle the boxin to be able to measure accurately,) the first time it froze up three weeks ago I had to dismantle a part of the boxin to see if it was insulated the pipe is protected with loft insulation and grey lagging around the pipe. Where the pipe enters into the kitchen Ive got access to a power supply.
  5. Hi, Can anyone offer any advice! After suffering a frozen main feed water pipe for the second time, someone suggested using heat trace tape, after looking it up on the Internet I'm now no clearer, is it easy to fit,has anyone used this. Thanks.
  6. I had a conversation with a mate of mine who catches the same bus home from work - 41s or 95s. Whats happened to those double deckers which were only a couple of years old ? Now we've got crappy old single deckers !! He said he's heard that First had shipped them up to aberdeen ????
  7. I work in food retail as a store manager and what a lot of people aren`t aware of is that the police carry out "test purchases" where they send young people into shops to try and catch sales assistants selling to underage people. They often use young people who look old enough to purchase alcohol in an attempt to fool the assistant.If the assistant fails the test purchase this then leads to the assistant receiving an "on the spot £80 fine " from the police and disciplinary action from the employer ( with possible loss of employment in some cases). If a store is caught twice in a 12 month period the store could have their license revoked and be fined, and without an alcohol license the shop may not be profitable enough to be kept open. So staff are constantly being reminded if in doubt refuse the sale !!! Also , can I point out that most stores/companies are now operating a policy where you must ask for ID if the customer looks under 25 - Have you any idea how difficult this can be to judge ?? Sorry to the people who are put out by this but have a little sympathy for the sales assistants who are just doing their job !!!! In which other line of work do you run the risk of a fine for just doing your job ? If you think that being asked for ID at the till is embarrassing , it is nothing compared to the embarrassment the assistant would feel if they served an underage customer or failed a test purchase. Please , why can't we cut the poor , downtrodden shop worker some slack for once ???
  8. Is it my imagination or do First bus drivers seem to go on strike at the "drop of a hat" these days ?? I myself work in retail but have a friend who is a bus driver and I am aware of what they earn , which in my opinion is an average wage for an average job - let's not forget they are not brain surgeons , they drive buses - That's all. I myself have not received a pay rise this year as all pay rises have been frozen by my employer , circumstances of which , I am accepting. My partner (who also works in retail as a manager) received a 1.5% pay increase - so where do First drivers get off that they are so hard done to ? How come First are always at the forefront of any industrial action ? Are they the county's biggest collection of militants ? If it was my choice (which sadly it isn't) I would say get rid of First and all of their miserable ,ignorant drivers and give the tenure to Stagecoach. I and many people like me , are sick of being reliant on a company which does not and cannot provide an adequate service. Enjoy your 3 days off First drivers as I will enjoy my 15 mile walk to work and then back again. THANKS !!!
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