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Everything posted by swblandy

  1. I grew up in Woodseats rd in the 50's 60's, my dad Frank had the corner shop on the corner of Smithywood Crescent. It was a great time, friends included Ken Chatten, Pete Thorpe, Ian Stevenson ( bit of a lad ), Malcolm Roberts, Keith Copley, Brian Rodgers, John Baker and many others. Someone mentioned my Brother Mick who's best friend was John Heap. I'm sure there were many others. Great times playing in the old brick yard and Barbers feilds, and birds nesting in the allotments around there. My father was friends with Albert who lived at the old farm mentioned. Would be great to hear from anyone who knows me from that time. Live in Spain now sunshine land near a small village about an hour from Malaga. Have many pleasant memories of times that cannot be brought back and kids today would not understand. Regards to any old friends who read this.
  2. Spent many a happy hour at Millhouses sheds when we were kids. Trainspotting, sneaking round the sheds piching corks, climbing on the trains etc. We would put pennies on the lines when a train was coming, doubled there size. Lot of memories from the fifties. You could also catch a train into town from Millhouses station.
  3. Yes, couldn't agree with you more. Bloody pc brigade ruining the country, Whats wrong with bacon hanging up, cheese and butter on the counter tops. At least you knew what you were getting, and you could have as much or as little as you wanted. Good days.
  4. Anyone remember Frank Bland's shop on Woodseats Road. He was there from the mid 40's until about 1968/9
  5. Of course they were, better frequented,more of them and no matter how skint you were you could always afford a pint. Can't now!! Better beer too, miss Wards bitter.
  6. Yes some great shops, anyone remember Ernie Wates on Woodseats, at the bottom of Scarsdale Road. Was a barbers and a tackle shop, he was a right character was Ernie. Bet there is not many shops where you can get a haircut and a pint of maggots.
  7. I think you have all got it wrong, the first proper nightclub in Sheffield was the Cavendish Club on Bank Street. This had a disco and a seperate room where topline artist's performed nightly.
  8. Hi, I worked there in 64/65/66,actually married Sue Hardy didn't last though. I used to do the stock taking. Can't remember any names really bad memory for that. Times were a lot different then and we had a lot of fun at work. Remember the canteen in winter when the fire was stoked up so high the cast iron used to glow red. Can you imagine that nowadays. Lived in Spain now for 4 years.
  9. I used to play in the late 70's and early 80's. I played for Woodseats Social Club, we had some great seasons and met some decent people. We had one great season when we won almost everything, league and cup etc. I won the Marshall Bowl that year. Does anyone know if all the old history is logged anywhere, I would love to go over all the past league and trophy winners. These were very different times to today, I doubt if anyone would have the same enthusiasm as we had then.
  10. I remember Redgates brilliant toyshop, had everything. My brother and I would always go there after christmas with any money we had been given for presents. Always managed to buy something.
  11. dripping sandwiches to work every day for morning break. Could not beat it. Tell that to kids today, would probably be sick.
  12. £750 bought in 1966/67 on Woodseats Road number 110. Was a 2 up 2 down then with no bathroom and had an outside tiolet. Mortgage was £8 a month and would struggle to pay it sometimes.
  13. Yes it was the club on Woodseats road, it would seem some of these replies relate to the Dale club. I played billiards and snooker for the social club and fished in the Norton Winter league. What did they call your brother
  14. Hi, yes I live in a small villa,on a track off the road out past the Venta de Palma. been here almost 3 years now.
  15. Hi worked in the Big Tree in my younger days, I live now about 40 minutes from Nerja, got to say haven't been to your bar but boy have you got a better way of life than the big tree. Must call in next time I am in Nerja.
  16. Hi, yes the name of the club was definately the Cavendish Club, hade some great times there and saw some great entertainers. One of the best comics I saw there was Dave Allen and the place was packed with the Irish. Also Bob Monkhouse, he could turn the air blue but with no bad language, what a talent.Saw most of the groups that were big in the sixties and seventies, not the beatles though. The Hollies were the best live group I have ever seen. The Pedlars were also very popular there, Cilla Black also performed there.
  17. Anyone have stories about characters and times in this club
  18. Can't remember this name, I remember Mr Hughs and Lees paper shops Walter Dunwells cobblers, Stevensons greengrocers. There was some others but cant remember the names.
  19. I remember one time at Jordanthorpe when everyone in the dinner queue, me included , was caned because there was more than ten people in the queue. About 30 of us got caned, but not the first ten. Happy days.
  20. Hi Brian, I remember some of the names you mentioned, Pauline Johnson and Joan Mullins rings a bell. Don't remember Tony White though. We also used to play on the field near the river, seemed to be a lot of fields to play in then. I went to woodseats school.
  21. Hi Bryan, I used to have a friend on Rydal Road, his name was gerry pilkington, lived near to the walled off end. My Dad always went to the pie and pea shop youre right they were good dad and mom also used to get tripe and onions from there. Used to go to the woodseats picture palace on saturday mornings for the kids matinee, it was always full. Good memories of the smithywood club, had some good groups on there, John O'hara and the Playboys spring to mind. Life seemed simpler then!
  22. Hi, Willybite, I might of got his age wrong I am not sure I know he was about 10/15 years older than me I am 63 next. I am the Stewart Bland you mentioned. Worked with Geoge Whitehead and Pete on the clutch assembly. I remember Pete used to come to my house unexpectedly at all hours and we always ended up going out somewhere. I remember his Oyster wonder if he ever sold it, never seen one better.
  23. Hi Hetty, My father was Frank Bland I remember his shop very well, up until the time he had to sell it because of ill health. He passed away last yearhe was 88. I used to deliver groceries with him, must have gone to your gran,s. What was her name? Remember Mr Dunwell, he used to repair our shoes.
  24. I worked with him on the clutch assembly for about 3 years, we allways had a laugh, he was a good friendm must be in his 80,s now. Hope he is well.
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