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    computers and few beers

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  1. Hi, I used to live just on from the ridge, so as a guess I would say around 1962/3ish, why do you want to know, I could ask my brother as he used to go in there.
  2. I went to shiregreen school, left in 68, lived on corner of Bracken rd, Wincobank ave, the estate was very good back then, people looked out for each other, had a quick run through when I have been back to UK, almost didn't recognise it, I remember the brickyard on wincobank ave, there was a small court yard with a few houses & a little shop round it, one of my brothers accidently set himself on fire in the court yard (he was smoking fags when he shouldn't have been) one of the residents rushed to his aid, when they knocked them down they built the flats that I presume are still there next to what was the roman ridge pub, saw that being built (now demolished) , the doctor was Dr williams on Bluebell, you couldn't make an appointment then you just had to go and queue up, I went to aunt sally's dance classes which was held in the church hall, I didn't go for long as couldn't afford the tap shoes some of the girls I went to school with where shirley walker, lindsay myers, marina ogden, pat allan, peggy & paul hudson, susan longford, (next door neighbour) linda mellor, gloria willis, janet senior, katherine cutting, to name but a few, if anyone knows these tell them to get in touch, as would be great to reminise some more, now I now live in Mallorca between Magaluff & Santa Ponsa, have done for the last eight years, speaking of Mallorca is anyone thinking of Holidaying there this year, my brother also has an apartment right on the beach he lets in Magaluff. I'm sorry if I am going on a bit but it is great to look back,if anyone remembers, my name as was (Sue Haddon) now Jackson
  3. I went to fairthorn I think it was in about 60/61, it was great, yes they did have different coloured dorms etc, it was oct when I was there, I remember this because they did a bonfire for us as we wouldn't be there for the nov one, it was a couple that looked after us with the help of a few staff, we were all allocated a job we had to do each day mine was to clean the dorm & make the beds with hospital corners (they checked to see it was done right) they had competions to see which colour group got the most points, they also had a black labrador dog called nelson, there was also swings & a big slide etc in the field at the back (which we used to ask for the greased proof paper from the bread to polish the slide so we could go down faster) one time when we had done this they told us we were having a visit from some blind children, which after they had done their reading etc we had to take then to play on the swings etc, even though I was so young I was really concerned that we had polished the slide & they might shoot of the end because they couldn't see it, but it was ok in the end, I also remember one of the girls in our colour group had a false leg & when she took it off she used to wave her stump around which scared us, I could go on for ages about the time I spent there because I really did enjoy my time there & I did learn A lot. hope someone replies that might have been there at the same time to share good memories
  4. I am replying to this with my husbands log in, I worked at buy wise for 3 years back in 1968-1971, I lived on the flower estate so used to walk down Hindhouse lane & then back again what a hill to walk up, I couldn't do it now, me & the girls I worked with used to go to the cannon pub at lunchtime.
  5. I lived on the flower estate till I was 21 (that was in 1973) lived opposite shiregreen school, knew longfords, brewins, dixons, naylors, shippams, anyone else remember them, went to school with shirley walker, gloria willis, pat allen, marina ogden, lindsey myers, carn't really remember the lads names maybe if i think about it I will.
  6. ANYONE FROM THE FLOWER ESTATE it was a good place when I was a lass,left in 1973 when i got married,now live in mallorca,have done for 7 years, but still go back to see our daughter & family twice a year
  7. Hi janner, I used to live on the flower estate (bracken rd) left in 1973 when I got married, but my daughter lives on shirehall road has done for the last 7 years I think its 7 could be longer, what number did you live at
  8. my wife remembers marti caine's cafe on bellhouse but she thinks think it was a little earlier than mid seventies,She bought it from the people who had it as a bakery when my wife worked there in 1969. Marti always used to wear see through crocheted mini dresses
  9. I agree it became a bad estate, like a lot of them have, but back when I was a young lass/ teenager it was great we could leave our doors unlocked and not worry the neighbours where great people always looked out for one another not like now.
  10. I am logging in on my hubbys log in. Anyone out there remember the flower estate in the good old days, I lived there from about 1954 ( I was born in 52) until I married in 73 I went to Shiregreen Nursery/ Junior/ Senior school till I left in 68, my brothers are peter,paul,david & philip Haddon, I went through the estate a couple of years ago, while I was on a visit to the UK and my god had the place changed, our house had been demolished & replaced with what I presumed to be flats (corner of Bracken & Wincobank Ave), anyone remember us or how good the estate was back then
  11. We had the garage on Herries Road, from 83-99 Firvale Motorist Centre with Bee Windscreens Next Door
  12. there was a wragg family in the pitsmoor area in the 50s 60s Benny wragg was a scrap dealer he was in the walkley area his brother george was a motor trader and scrap dealer in the early seventies they had a car pitch on pitsmoor road. george died i believe in the late 70s 80s hope this helps
  13. Hi windmilgal, I remember Miss Bennet she was my form teacher, Mr Smith the head teacher I went to shiregreen school from infants to leaving in 1968, the Hunk Teacher in Seniors was Mr Naylor, Mr Goslin was the Science Teacher, Mr Kemp took us for Geography he became head teacher at my daughters school (Hillsborough junior) in about 19986/7 but he died after only being there for about 6 months, I used to live opposit the junior end of the school Bracken Rd / Wincobank Ave, Haddon's the name before I got married. ANYBODY ELSE OUT THERE REMEMBER SHIRGREEN FLOWER ESTATE 1960'S (That Estate Was Brill Back Then)
  14. Turners garage on Herries road (firvale) sold triumphs very small dealership though
  15. my wife and i used to go out with johnny and his wife in the eighties when he lived in hiilsborogh we always found him great fun and good company we met him in benidorm about 10 years ago he was still the same
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