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Everything posted by Stripe.

  1. If you still use the agent for any services then they will still charge you, such as credit-checking or maintainance etc. If you want to cut the agent out, just get a few months rent in advance from the potential tenant as security for yourself, which does away with the immediate need for a credit-check, and get yourself a list of local recommended repair services just in case, then the agent has no need to charge you for anything.
  2. anyone got any experience of tattooists that are particularly good at written text?? I'm wanting a full page out of a book, which contains mostly text, but also an illustration on it.. To be fair its not the sort of thing I would trust a local butcher or "flash merchant" with.... so, anyone got any ideas?? Cheers!!!
  3. trying to get to your bill on the website is an absolute ballache. Its much easier to ring them and get them to talk you through it, they're usually pretty helpful on the phone surprisingly.
  4. awesome... saw Clutch at both places, have to say they were better at Corp, better atmos, better sound, although to be honest they're one of my favorites, so they'll never be "bad"....
  5. Bit short notice, but one of my mates might not be able to go, I'll know in a coupld of hours so if thats the case I'll stick a post up on here, anyone wanting the ticket just needs to meet us out front.
  6. Batfink was awesome, more of that please!!!
  7. Why avoid non recourse? I've just done a quick bit of reading up on it, so I kinda know what it is. But I get the impression that you have a personal reason for saying that and I'm trying to learn from other peoples experiences. So, if its ok for you to explain why you said that, I'm definately interested. PM me if you would rather.
  8. Thats really helpful thank you. using the factoring company would DEFINATELY only be in the short term, I've already put a plan of action down to keep track of how much I draw down from them, and the reasons for doing it, I also have an amount in mind that i need to reach as a milestone for not using factoring any more. And the "Not much cash" thing is unfortunate, but I dont believe its the sort of thing that will particularly bother my current clients, And as far as new clients are concerned, by the time they see one of my invoices, and are aware that I'm using factoring, the business with them has already been done!!!
  9. Thanks guys, the factoring was something to use more in the early stages, to help with cashflow while waiting for my invoices to be paid in the "30 days" which seem to be standard to my industry. I wouldnt consider using them long term, I already have business that I can invoice, just waiting for it is proving to be problematic..
  10. Morning People!! Just a quick question for any small business owners around Sheffield. Do any of you use "factoring" companies in connection with your business. If so, are there any recomendations?? Who's good to use? Who should I avoif like the plague? Also, any ideas of what criteria your business has to fulfill in order to use a factoring company?? Thanks!!!
  11. low self esteem?? I think not.. childhood trauma?? Again, I fail to see anything traumatic about my childhood, or that of anyone else who decides to have themselves tattoo'd or pierced. However, I did hear somewhere, possibly from the same source as your information, that people who have pictures of cats in their avatars also have a tendancy to behave innapropriatly with goats. However, I have no interest in goats so I choose not to comment on your personal tastes, despite my opinions of goat-bothering. Kindly do the same for others.
  12. Lip piercings look awesome, especially on the ladies.. When I had my lip and tongue done, I had some of that funny tobacco first, which did the trick without thinning the blood. Those particular piercings dont seem to heal up when you dont have them in either, which is quite cool. I have to take the lip one out for work as I'm in a "responsible" suit-wearing type of job, but can easily put it back in when its time to transform from suit-wearing to**er to tattoo'd and pierced dirtbag again...)
  13. This is all really similar to me, although obviously as I'm a guy and 32, its reveresed if you know what I mean.. great explanation eh??..)
  14. Sounds awesome, I play drums in a band that does the music for a lot of nights where people dress like this.. Seamed stockings, polka-dot's on your outfit somewhere, bright red lipstick, actually, if you put 1950's pin-up into google images you'll get the idea.. very cool..
  15. Read another thread then if this one bothers you so much, personally I read (and dont comment) on a lot this lady's threads, and generally find them to be intelligent, humourous, and very well written. If you didnt understand any of that, please say so and I'll re-write it text speak for you, your comments make you out to be the type who would feel more at home reading something written in that manner. $"n&e^
  16. I did a few years in the marines, and this is possibly one of the most upsetting and rage-making things that I've heard for a long time, hopefully the swine who did it will get his someday soon........
  17. Thanks for that, I'll give him a call if I'm not sorted by then. Cheers..
  18. *Yawn*..... Gotta go, got a plane to catch... Mauritius here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I dont know how a contractor can be mercenary, I'll have to ask the colleagues I was referring to, who constantly complain about them. Personally, all I see is someone trying to do a job, same as me.
  20. Do it, the quicker that agencies that who do this sort of thing are out of business, the better things will be for the industry as a whole, and the people who are serious about what they do.
  21. not all are the same, which is exactly the same thing I say to colleagues who constantly complain about the mercenary attitude of ltd/umbrella co contractors. Not all the same, not by a long way. At the end of the day, people are just trying to make a living by whatever (legal) means they know...
  22. agency blacklist doesnt exist. If any agent tells you that it does, tell them where to insert themselves. Any recruiter who tells you anything like that and expects you to believe it isnt going to last long in the industry, especially if the client hears about it.
  23. Blue nun and the filthy habits.
  24. not a big fan of them myself to be honest, I dont tend to socialise with people in the same industry as me when I'm out of the office,and it may seem shallow to say, but I am most definately in it "purely for the money". When running my own business I wouldnt use them, but thats probably because I work with the swine so I know what they're like. Also, what anyone does for a living is NOT what they are, I'd rather be judged by what I do when I'm not at work, instead of what I do when there.
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