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Everything posted by woody08

  1. Hi, i am organising a charity auction, raffle evening event and i am looking for a possible free function room or one that is under £100 where allows own food. Ideally around s20/s12 area but other areas considered. If anyone has any suggestions that would be a big help! Thank you :)
  2. hi, my family are holding a charity event on 3rd of March 2018 for new start charity at whythenshawe hospital in Manchester due to saving my mum's life earlier this year and now wanting to give back and we are looking for a venue the hosts are based at s20 so ideally wanting this side of town but will consider most places and to hold between 100-120 people and also kust allow own catering and dj any recommendations would be great thanks
  3. Hi, i'm looking for a kitten to join my family for a loving forever home, i'm not asking for one for free i am happy to buy one i'm just finding it very difficult to find any kittens i have looked on car shelters etc but can only find cats and not kittens. i'm in s60 i'm willing to travel up to 20 miles may go a little further if needed i also don't mind if you would like to deliver to check out my home. is any one on here selling any or know some one that is it would be a great help as i'm finding this very difficult to find a tabby kitten tia if you would like to message me that would be fine 07532 729534
  4. hi, a few month back i found a free nail course for people age 24 and over that was situated in Richmond, i am trying to find the information again as i have lost my email and cannot find any information from google and have completely forgot the name of the place...if any one could help it would be much appreciated. Thanks
  5. It's on there garden but they've put a fence up few foot in front of it and must just plan on ignoring it. Im just waiting on council coming out if they can't do anything then ill see what my next option is or see what I can do I can't move it cause it's not my garden
  6. The house behind my house has a dumpage bit behind their new fence and the fence that was originally up (there's not minee) is all broken basically nothing there but a patch to their garden with what iv just said there and it's exposed to my garden. Now acis removed all the rubbish that made my fence fall down witch I was great full and didn't mind that noting was put back up in its place but I was left with like I said a hole that has all glass nails broken slabs etc in it
  7. And if you'd paid attention to what I KEEP saying I DO NOT WANT A FENCE PUTTING BACK UP THIS ISN'T MAINTENENCE AS IV BEEN TOLD BY SHEFFIELD COUNCIL AND CITIZEN ADVISE IT IS SAFETY. This is the last time ill be responding to people who think they know it all and who don't read properly
  8. Yes they may well do but I'm doing what iv been advised to do . And yes its a hazard when it's full of nails glass broken up slabs and other Sharpe stuff that are on another property that you can get to from mine through the hole! Not go off down the road it's not that side.
  9. No one's throwing no dummy out. People seem to think they know the law and stuff better than the council. I reported it to environmental health as advised and if I didn't have a case or anything why are they coming out this week? And what part of I'm not bothered about a fence are people not understanding I want the holes covered not a fence! Unlike all of you will fight my corner when I know iv got rights.
  10. I'm not asking fir a fence to be put back up I'm asking fir the hole to be covered to make a SAFE garden fir my son to play on! And my generation what is that suppose to mean fir all you know I'm a 30 year old who's gone through a divorce lor my bought house and now on my own I'm not but you didn't know that so stop assuming. And I'm not asking for any more advise iv done what citizen advise have advised me to and will take it from there hopefully getting it done your obviously one of them people who's got a mortgage a good paid job witch makes you think you can look down at people
  11. What makes you think I get all benefits by the government? Because I have a council house? Don't judge everyone the same! And again presuming that I actually have family and that my child dad is still around you don't know my money situation or my family situation. And yes I know people are homeless as I was before I got my house! Unless you've got facts to work on witch you haven't then your comment is useless And as to all you people saying maintenence is my job my agreement states grass and hedges there was a fence up and that has exposed danger there for it no longer comes under maintenence it comes under safety as iv been told by citizens advice. And I'm currently waiting on a reply back from the environmental health if you actually look on acis facebook you will see that I'm not the only one who is or had a problem with this housing!
  12. So three weeks after acis come out to inspect my garden AGAIN iv been told there not going to do anything for me. Iv called citizens advice and they have advised me to go to the environmental health as they see it as a health hazard to my child and my garden isn't fit for purpose so holding out from a answer from them now
  13. hi. No the holes wernt visible when I first moved into my property as I had a fence up but then fence blew down and they have failed to put anything back up this is my issue obviously the fence was put up in the first place for a reason. Iv since emailed them and awaiting a reply and also got some advice from citezen beru hopefully acis them self will sort the issue before me taking it any further
  14. thanks for your reply's. although it states gardens and trees as maintence this is more a safety issue wouldn't you say? it doesn't state anything about whats was left there by previous tenants and fencing :/ i originally said to them you take all of the rubbish away and i would put my own fence up and save for it. but they couldn't even do that and have left me with a big pile of mud all at the back of my garden preventing me putting a fence up the way i see it i am only bettering their property in the long run? ---------- Post added 26-05-2015 at 10:58 ---------- thanks for your suggestion although this wouldn't be any good for me as i already have privets all around my front garden and the sides of my back garden and it is to much of a up keep as it is to add to it.
  15. i currently rent my property from acis housing. when i first moved in my property the garden was over grown and my fence was caving in. they sorted the grass for me but kept ignoring the fact that my fence was falling down due to there been lots of waste chucked behind it from previous tenants. after months of getting on there back and my fence finally falling down they came and took all the rubbish away but left me with no fence up and a big pile of mud at the back of my garden. at the top are fences from the properties in front of mine one with a good decent fence and another with a big hole to get into the other garden and one at the side of the garden to get onto my neighbors garden. i asked if they would be able to put a fence back up or at least do something about the holes as i have a 2 year old son who can get through them and i'm a single parent unable to afford to do it my self i was just fobbed off saying its not in the budget and i was lucky to get all the rubbish removed. i was just wondering if there was any law against them having to make sure my garden was secure? as they are completely useless and do minimum to my house or garden they just fobb you off my house was in a very bad state when i first moved in it two years ago yet people have moved in across and next to me and got new kitchens and new fences etc.. i would very much appreciate peoples thoughts and suggestions.
  16. Mod note Please post your advert in the well signposted section, 'property wanted' Advertisements are not permitted in thus section. Thanks
  17. Property Offered: House Area:UpperWoodthorpe s13 Type of Property: (House/Flat etc) House Number of Bedrooms:2 Landlord: (Council / HA) ACIS housing Any other information: lovely 2 bedroom house on a quiet cul de sac. wanting to be closer to family.house has just had a new bathroom last month and all newly decorated last year. Property Wanted Area: hakenthorpe/ birley/ owlthorpe/ beighton s12, s20 or s21 Type of Property: (House/Flat etc) house or ground floor flat Number of Bedrooms: 2 or 3 Landlord: (Council / HA) any Any other information: must have a garden and space to park either drive or kerb outside decoration isn't a must but mustn't need lots doing. pm me or text 07931345869
  18. Apparently it's linked to the shooting on mannor but it was two different gun shots that's what Iv heard any way
  19. im in s13 but can be any where in sheffield
  20. i had really good care back in april when i had my first child i was given a bed straight away and i was in hospital 3 nights and was well looked after but at the time i was in it wasnt really that busy. so i think it depends on obviously how many people are due/giving birth when your in its not in the hands of the midwifes on the numbers and beds they are doing there job
  21. hi, does any one know of any events happening this year for new years eve? pubs, bars,etc, not bothered about town. thanks
  22. i personally would say no but they say it takes £700k to keep open a year for me they can shut it down, the council gets enough money off working people so i wouldn't give them another £1 they hold boxing events there every 3 months so they will make some money there with the parking @ £3 per car and bar a coke alone is £2 & general hire for the venue, maybe they would make more money if the venue price wasn't so high for birthdays etc as i once called for a quote my self and it was over £300 witch is ridiculous if you ask me. so maybe the people who decide what goes on at don valley need to re think how they can keep it open with our our £1's
  23. Hi me & my friends are going for dinner any we are just wondering what's a nice place to go for a Sunday roast or carvery Thanks in advance
  24. Hi Me & my friends are going out for dinner and I was just wondering where is best to go for a Sunday roast or a carvery Any one help please?
  25. I totally agree with the downsizing law that is coming in, why should a single person have a two bed property or a couple have a three bed with no kids etc.. and if they are on benefits and are able to afford the difference then the question should be asked if they need the amount of benefits they are on? if you work and you can afford to pay the extra rent for the unused bedrooms then so be it but just think do you really need it whilst family's are struggling in smaller properties
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