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Everything posted by Gricey

  1. That would be me. Pokéstops come from another game by Niantic Labs called Ingress. Points of interest in the game are called Portals, and with the exception of an initial seeding by Niantic (from geotagged photos such as Panoramio) and some sponsored locations, all Portals were submitted by ingress players. Some of them (around a third I'd say) were imported as pokéstops and maybe one in ten became a gym. The rivalry between the two factions in ingress is far greater than in Pokémon. People got quite worked up over portal submissions, and I wound up my fair share of opponents (I was one of the first players, starting in November 2012). There came a string of complaints by the other team about portals I submitted, and in retaliation some of the cheekier players on my team submitted a bunch of portals with my name on (my name in both games is incubus). So there you go. I've been immortalised, in the virtual world at least. If you are interested in playing ingress (there's more to it than Pokémon but it's a very different game) just drop me a PM. Cheers! Gricey / incubus
  2. Or perhaps they could just not lie? That's how you run a business and have your customers like you.
  3. They were utterly crap this morning - I booked a taxi for 0845 this morning at 0815 (as their app said 20 min wait, I thought I'd give them 30!). By 0900 they had deleted my booking off the app, so when I called in the IVR said that a taxi was on its way. Got a missed call about another 20 mins later (now 20 mins late for work), so went outside, no taxi, so called the IVR again and my booking had gone, so had to wait 5 minutes on hold to be told that it wasn't a callback and the guy had tried to ring me and I didn't answer so they cancelled the booking! He also denied they had removed the booking off the app - which they had, and if they hadn't, I'd have seen the cab was despatched and known to go outside. Long story short, I was meant to be in work at 9 and got in at 10 :-( The annoying part was that the roads are all clear, just the pavements are ice and I have an injured knee. Oh, the sweetener is the driver tried to charge me more than usual, you can imagine how quickly and hard I came down on that.
  4. Someone has taken the ashes from the ski village, formed them into a neat pile, covered them in thermite and burned them. Again.
  5. I never had the honour of meeting the chap, but as an ale enthusiast he is a legend amongst men, I shall also be raising a glass tonight in his name! Gricey.
  6. It's annoying for me, because I brew beer and treat the water with different salts to apply to the style I'm brewing. The water report on their site is from 2004, I also emailed them to get hardness as CaCO3, which I then verified with an alkalinity test. I guess this means that all the figures are worthless now, I don't mind the water changing but I want to know what it is via their website or I'm brewing in the dark :-) Also 32 years of being a Sheffielder and I've never had to replace a kettle element, it's not cricket!
  7. Just had a subsecond power blip, I'm S8 9 Was just hitting submit on a big post as well, gah! Gricey.
  8. I agree with mj.scuba - the world is a miserable enough place already. One of the reasons I don't post on here, it's full of miserable small-minded people. People accuse Americans of cultural imperialism, yet the hostility and closed-mindedness you see on here is exactly the kind of behaviour you're slagging off. And with that, I'm outta this thread. Happy thanksgiving for yesterday! Gricey
  9. You'll never find out either; once you realise exactly where one starts and the other ends you fall through a portal and come out on Chapel Walk, which also used to be impossible to find until they put the metal sign on it.
  10. Same happened here but not across all my gear, cellar lights dimmed and mrs's pc rebooted but my imac stayed fine. Odd. S8 9 here.
  11. Apparently also affecting s8 8 s2 s3 fix any time up to 11...
  12. Hmm, dunno who else is affected but power has been down about 30 mins in S8 9... Now where did I put that YEDL number??
  13. Hi there, I guess my main concerns are: - do I need to call the council if I get this work done - is there special consideration needed b/c the chimney appears to be shared - how big of a project it is... I've uploaded the pics but I can't post a link for another 3 posts ... drat. I'd be interested in someone having a look at least (it doesn't hurt to look) so I have an estimate of how much work is needed. Alternatively I can text you the link to the pictures until I hit 5 posts. Cheers, Gricey.
  14. Hi there, I moved into a terraced house in Meersbrook about a year ago. There is a 'fake' red-brick archway in the kitchen which takes up a lot of space, and before I redo the kitchen I'd like to get rid of it. I don't know if it is structural or not, but I do know that the 'red brick' appears to be some kind of cladding so I'm not too sure whats underneath it. It's important to note that this is on the wall shared with the house to the left - I'm the second house in on a terrace (a house either side of me). Looking from the bottom to the top of the house: Cellar - has a 'chimney breast' in the same place, roughly the same size (except the roof is way lower). The cellar was finished off and has wooden floors, new plastered walls, etc. I guess something may be behind it. Kitchen - archway as shown. First floor - this is where it gets interesting. There is a column as part of the house but its not the same size or shape as the one in the kitchen - in fact, almost just the size of one of the columns. It makes one corner of my bathroom almost, the door to the bathroom is at an angle rather than parallel to the landing. Attic - in the corner of the attic there is a column to match that next to the bathroom. Roof (out the attic window) - There is a chimney that is I believe shared with next door, that is the same size and shape as the 'single column' that runs from the first floor to the attic. I have pictures of everything on request (I can stick them online somewhere). What do you reckon? If it is structural (hope not but I bet it is) I'd like some vague idea of costs so I can work out how to budget, I only actually care about removing the kitchen part - maybe the first floor would be interesting b/c I could then make my bathroom bigger. Hoping someone has had a similar experience... Gricey.
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