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Posts posted by happylady

  1. Ooo you'll have a great time I'm jealous. We've been to Florida twice and loved it. Kennedy Space Centre is fab well worth a trip out.


    We loved the shopping malls in Orlando. Clearwater beach is ace. Get some comfy shoes cos with all that walking in the theme parks you will need them. Pace yourself and when you feel that you've had enough come away the parks will still be there another day when you feel refreshed. If you keep on going in our experience the family just end up arguing cos your hot and tired.


    Have a great time!:cool:

  2. "Can you all get back and confirm if the above details are acceptable and if you're in for the first meet? We'll have to think of something we can wear or something so that we'll recognise each other! "


    Carrying a copy of the book?? I am sure Lloyds is fine, can't picture it but my estranged wife works in Division Street so I know where the street is ok.


    Yes I've thought of bringing the book. Will definitely be there.

  3. I just said that to my husband after watching them on the news tonight. I'd be a gibbering wreck in a straitjacket by now, regardless of whether I had other children to look after. I'd certainly look a lot less healthy than they do.


    I think what you're forgetting is that in the medical profession they have to become used to dealing with difficult situations. Mr McCann as a hospital Consultant will be used to giving speeches at conferences and although it is a very hard situation for them they are probably able to deal with things in a totally different way to the rest of us.


    I think people should cut them some slack. As parents we all do things that later on we probably reflect on and think that a decision we've taken with regard to our children may not have been the best one. Unfortunately for them this has had disastrous ramifications which they will have to deal with for the rest of their lives.


    How lucky the rest of us are to have made the wrong decision about our kids but luckily no ill effects came from them. I know that I can be counted in this!

  4. I never thought of jealousy, I suppose in some cases that is possible, good point pk


    Do they have boyfriends/partners of their own. If not I think jealousy may be a contributing factor but also when friends start moving in a different direction the ones that are still the same start feeling a bit left out. Perhaps you need to reassure them that they won't lose your friendship cos you've got a fella.

  5. If this had been a couple of chavs on the Manor estate that had left their children for an evening while they went on a pub crawl the story would be a different one. The twins wouldn't still be with them, that's for sure.


    No hasty excuse of "checking on them every 30 minutes" would cut any ice. It's one rule for them and another for everyone else. A pretty, white, angelic looking girl goes missing because of the selfish negligence of the parents and the world is expected to come to a stop. It makes me puke.



    I have to agree with you. One rule for one and a different one for another. Just shows you don't need a good education and qualifications to ensure that you look after your kids properly!

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