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Posts posted by happylady

  1. You cannot expect tradesmen to be available on the day you want a job doing if you only contact them on that day. You need to book them weeks in advance. They don't just sit around all day in the hope you will call them. If they are any good, their diaries will be pretty full.


    True and TBH if they can come the same day if sets off alarm bells for me

  2. [/color]@happylady.its only fair the children do their bit.


    Agreed totally but why start the festivities on a sour note - new year resolutions come to mind


    ---------- Post added 24-12-2013 at 18:09 ----------


    My kids have long since left home and I had many a conversation like this while they were kids - conclusion I came to in the end was that it was best not to venture in their rooms and shut their doors so I couldn't see the mess. The more I pushed it the more they ignored me, teenagers can be sooooooooo stubborn

  3. Depends on the hotel. I've stayed st s few, some have local spirits others imported. Usual rule of thumb is more you pay better it is (like anything else) If you're going for a fortnight can get a bit samey but on the other hand you know exactly how much you're paying, if I was going to Turkey wouldn't bother a/l as its not bad prices out there compared to the UK.

  4. The sewage works sometimes stinks to high heaven, in fact I can't recall the last time it did.


    The train line besides the estate does not run freight all night, as well as the passenger service there was a frieght train at about 7pm last night and there's usually one at about 5am.


    The local schools aren't bad, both my kids went to Brunswick and are now at Handsworth Grange, which has improved a lot over the last few years.


    The estate over the road is not rough as hell, it's no paradise but I lived there for a number of years and never had any trouble.


    I think you'll find most of Sheffield is built on land which has been mined over the years, most of the areas local to Woodhouse had a pit.


    Glad someone actually knows the area and knows what they're talking about. My kids both went to Brunswick and then Aston. Both have jobs and one went to Uni and obtained a great degree!

  5. My Mum & Dad worked damn hard & never had to resort to the benefit system . It makes me sick to the core when people who can work , don't , because they find it " hard " to make ends meet without benefits. Get a flaming job even one that pays less . People shouldn't have so many kids if they cant afford to support them


    AGREED - my thoughts entirely


    ---------- Post added 27-08-2013 at 18:28 ----------


    Well, people will slate anyone that tells it just how it is.


    I repeat, they either fix the system so it makes signing off irresistible or folk will continue on benefits.


    It really is a no brainer.


    I agree with you totally the system is very wrong and they do need to fix the system - the benefits system wasn't set up for this mindset!

  6. You're not the only one who can't believe what they're reading. Everything you have was worked for, was it? Your parents never got child benefit or whatever it was called at the time? You went to a private school as you didn't want the state to pay for you to go to the local school? You never used the NHS? Or subsidised public transport? We all pay in and we all get something out so don't play the stand-on-our-own-two-feet nonsense.



    My parents didn't get child benefit for me. Was born in 1963 and the first child didn't get anything. Admittedly I have had education and healthcare via the Government and thank you mum and dad for paying in for me. We have also paid in and our kids had had an education and yes we did get child benefit - my hubby has worked full time since the age of 18 and apart from a couple of years looking after our kids I've worked to!


    Lady Tinsley


    ---------- Post added 27-08-2013 at 00:00 ----------


    Because that is the route to a better paid, full time, job which will put you in a far more comfortable position than the current one.


    My point exactly!

  7. Can't believe what I'm reading! If the Benefit rules make it so that people ave to decide if its worth working then something is radically wrong! And no I've nkt got a silver spoon in my mouth I come from Tinsley, we didn't have much money but everything we did have was worked for - why don't people have values like these anymore?


    Wrong, wrong, wrong

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