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Posts posted by happylady

  1. Simply amazing. You would think by this topic that the people in favour of the development had been doing all the campaigning by the reaction of supporters of the development on this forum since the news was broken last Thursday of Network's decision to withdraw their application.


    Campaigners against the application have simply taken in the news and simply felt relieved that we won't have this eyesore in our midst without crowing about our VICTORY.


    The phrase sore losers comes to mind.


    Just goes to show what people power can do via campaigning in a peaceful fashion.

  2. this sounds like a good idea, but how do you usually sort out your transfer from the airport to the hotel?? Trying to get a taxi in a foriegn speaking country i imagine being expensive and difficult.


    We've been to Cyprus and the canaries and got taxis at the airprt. Never had a problem with the language (although it you go to somewhere like India, China might be a problem). Always check the price on line before going, and on arrival at the airport before getting into a cab check the fare then.


    Not been fleeced yet (shouldn't say that though as I might be asking for trouble)

  3. If Uni fees went up to £70k per year, it still wouldn't mean that only the rich could go. Those fees are not repayable until after you graduate, and even then they're only repayable once you are earning enough to be ABLE to pay them without suffering hardship.


    I've had student debts outstanding for thirteen years. They've never asked for a penny yet, nor ever will.


    Not sure which cloud you're on but most people wouldn't be able to get in debt to the tune of 210k even if it was for a mortgage - I certainly couldn't.


    From my limited knowledge you only have to earn about 20k before you start paying your loan back.


    Obviously I don't know you're circumstances but I know of people who are already paying their loan back and as for not suffering hardship well one of them certainly is.

  4. I can't understand the Labour Party on this one, I thought they'd gone mad when they started charging University tuition fees, read in the paper last week that this could go up in some cases to 7k per year :loopy: It'll end up with the rich (as once was the case) being the only people able to afford to go to Uni making a definite 2 tier class system - them and us.


    Just done my tax calc and will be £11.00 per month worse off, the only light on the horizon is that I work for the NHS and they've just announced a pay rise of about 3% this year so hopefully might end up with the same in my pay packet but will still be one step behind. Trouble with this country is if you're not a top earner but not on benefits either you just get to bail everyone else out. I know that's probably going to get some backs up but the people I talk to all feel the same.


    I certainly won't be voting labour again but as someone else has said what real alternative do we have?

  5. I think it depends on how much they're earning and also your own circumstances, eg if you're a single parent you probably would charge a bit more. However, my rule of thumb is that there's 4 of us and I charge my son one week's supermarket money. I'm saving it for him mind you but he doesn't need to know this.


    However, my daughter's at Uni and I don't charge her anything.


    I'm probably a bit of a sucker really:suspect:

  6. I laughed and laughed on Sunday watching this. My fav bit was when the 2 families were sat down to breakfast listening to the bumpity bumps from upstairs, then mum got up and started singing Take That "come, come, come into my arms" I nearly choked laughing. Can't wait for the next episode on Sunday.

  7. I've been told there's a little Italian restaurant near Porter Cottage going towards Hunter's bar. Apparently it has quite a small shop front, always seems very busy and it's opposite a beer off.


    Does anyone know any details about this place as me and hubby wouldn't mind giving it a try but the person who's recommended it can't remember the name of the restauraunt

  8. well regarding Gazza, I heard he was walking about with plastic parrots, answering the door to his room naked, gambling with staff in his room, ordering raw liver - seems more like drunken behaviour - have I missed something out?


    This is more than drunken behaviour. I think he's had a breakdown which doesn't always need sectioning. However, we're reacting to what's been said in the press which as we know can be unreliable to say the least

  9. Names of the nominees follow, who would you choose, I am torn between Fern Britton and Coleen Nolan who have lost a great deal of weight for the sake of their families.




    Not sure where you've got this statement from. From what Coleen's said she's done it for herself.


    Don't know how Heather Mills could even be nominated. Apart from that why should a celeb be voted Best Mother? I think that people, like most of the population, who lead more mundane lives have more reason to be voted as such.

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