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Everything posted by richynomates

  1. I seem to remember reading somewehre that long Line was going to be in S17, but some reason wasn't. I think something to do with the community identifying more with Ringinglow (S11) than Brickhouses or Dore (S17) - either way - the new surfacing is good. i'm glad the one-way trial was ditched - I was one of the rebels who ignored it - and we won!
  2. I know it's probably in Dore & Totley ward, but Long Line is in S11....
  3. People keep saying how good places like Cornwall are for providing recycling bins for a variety of materials. The thing is, areas like this are recycling 30ish%, and landfilling 70%. I know there are arguments for both sides, but with our lovely well-lit incinerator in sheffield, only 20% (I think!) of our unrecycled waste goes to landfill. I think I'd rather my un-recycled waste was burnt and turned into energy than burried deep in the ground.
  4. It seems the Council have made the right decision for once - why should they be held to ransom? I'm sure Fleetham's already-approved developments on Ecclesall Road South would more than bridge any funding gap. With the figures quoted - if the new Ski Village proposals cannot generate profits as a standalone project, then it's a short-term prospect doomed to fail, so maybe best if it just stays as it is, which I assume does make some profits? In relation to the development proposals for Beeley Woods - what's the chances that, assuming they eventually get planning approval, they'll find some other hurdle to blame the Snow Mountain not going ahead, but the houses will be up before you know it!
  5. They are! The top floors have all sold, but there's a 2bed on Floor 30 for £334,000 - You'll have to be quick though!!
  6. It looks like another Starbuck's is about to open in the city on Western Bank. Anyone know when it will be open? I guess it'll be nice to sit in Weston Park with a coffee, as I don't think there's anywhere nearby as of yet, though I could be wrong. Maybe the new improved museum will have something similar...
  7. Apparently, the Central Fire Station Scene is where the detectives are looking for someone - the usual murder investigation plot, where the barman is shown a picture of a suspect/victim and is asked questions. I didn't get to find out if the barman knows more than he's letting on though, but it's all good fun...! Incidently, they may have looked like paramedics, but they were all behind-the-scenes people. Was the murder scene in an old works near there? I seem to recall something in the Telegraph.
  8. ..and they are also filming on division street - on a monday and tuesday, but forgot the dates..
  9. o' daa a dee dah? what daa doin' o'er deer? i'd like to think it's Barnsley folk, but i've heard too often that it is Sheffielders that are Dee Dahs. Maybe we should do to the Yorkshire language what the Welsh do to theirs - promote it at every opportunity!
  10. Paradise street has to be a contender for the most central steep hill. It aint too long, but with the added bonus of cobbles, it takes effort to get up...
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