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Everything posted by Ginner

  1. Would go hand in hand (so to speak) with your user name
  2. If your bank and the recipient bank are signed up to Faster Payments Service, then most payments up to £10,000 are completed in under 2 hours. Google your bank's name and Faster Payments. See what you find.
  3. As all the others have said. I've owned one for 5 years now. Never had any serious issues with it (touching wood as I type). Solid build. Great performance (from my model ).
  4. I saw the same program. They were talking about maglev trains in a near vacuum travelling at 5000mph. London to New York in less than 1 hr.
  5. *Edit* forget what i said, looks like Schiann got it right, above.
  6. What a joke. Bit the bullit, refreshed the page, timed out, couldn't log back in again. Had to log in with my GF's profile (after trying to remember what she used to log in 2 years ago), and got straight through to the purchase page. Sorted now, but what a pain in the arse.
  7. Anyone else trying to purchase tickets via the Pre-sale website? Been stuck in a queue at "39 seconds to go" for the last 40 minutes. Been logged on since 09:00. Why are these things always so crap?
  8. And so, in summary, I think the answer is no. Lots of muddy water under the bridge since then, and your lot seem to have done OK in the intervening years.
  9. Not quite a straight swap tho was it? Celtic got about £3m as well didn't they? After the transfer I think both teams got roughly the same number of appearances out of both players, albeit for different reasons
  10. Does anyone know how to get Karndean flooring up? Someone's told me it's a heat gun (to soften the glue) and then prise it up, panel by panel.
  11. Are they Goodyear F1 Assymetrics, and does that price include delivery? Cos if so that's an amazing price.
  12. Apologies... getting confused with whose done what and where! They have some grip, but let go much much quicker. Like driving on egg shells. Great experience, drifting it (kinda) round a corner. Course that's not the way you should be doing it Funniest thing.. we did a grand prix in the rain once. But the warm up had been done in the dry. 1st heat I was 6th on grid. It started to rain just before we set off. Got to the first corner at the end of the pit straight and it was like wacky races... everyone going everywhere. I pootled through the carnage to be leading at the 2nd corner. Very reminiscent of Senna at Donnington in '93
  13. Bit of a long one but.... I've taken groups to Ancaster Karting on several occassions. Neither me or my mates are serious karters (we go once or twice a year). Ancaster is south of Newark, about 1hr 15 from Sheffield city centre. I've done both endurance and Grand Prix. The endurance consisted of: 10 individuals, 15 mins warm/timed practice, 40 lap race with 1 compulsory 1 minute pit stop. Thr Grand Prix consisted of: 20 individuals, 6 heats of 4 laps where you start each heat on a different grid position (ie 1 heat from pole, 1 from 2nd, 1 from 3rd etc). Points awarded for the positions you finish in in each heat. Top 12 point scorers go thru to 5 lap semis. Top 3 finishers in semis go thru to 6 lap final. Pros and cons: Endurance: - If you're not used to karting, 40 laps (we used a combination of Corporate and practice tracks - so about 1000m total) is plenty. We were all knackered (and incredibly thirsty). - You can get 'stuck' behind someone, and the field can get spread out so it can become a little processional. - You get to stay in the same kart so you get used to it's foibles (they all drive slightly differently) - You get to plan a manoeuvre on the person in front over a number of laps (see point 2 above), or in clear air, get a rythm going to set faster laps. Grand Prix: - It's not as tiring. - Short heats ensures the pack is mostly tight and the action constant. - Low number of laps means you have less time to plan a manoeuvre. - Constant change of karts, each have their own character, can be frustrating. I like both formats for the positive reasons given above. Grand Prix is probably the more 'fun' for a group of mates. But the endurance does allow you to indulge in more serious racing. I haven't tried PFI, but might give it a go next year. Ancaster probably isn't as professional as PFI but it is a competent set up. The rental karts aren't as good/fast, but trust me, they are fast enough for the once a year karter. 50mph from 2inches off the ground and 1 foot from the driver in front feels plenty fast enough. I like the track at Ancaster. It's nice and varied with fast corners, long corners, double apex, S-bends and hairpins. Trust me, once you've done outdoor karting you will never go back to indoor. Especially if you get to do it in the rain, eh michi?
  14. Thanks for the offer, but it's only a simple gain/loss I want to calculate on a one stock account. No sales to date, just initial purchase and scrip divs and dividend re-investment. I've got all the cost/price details for the trades todate. Just not sure if I should include the cost of the purchases for the scrip divs and div re-investment in the book cost.
  15. I'm trying to work out my gain/loss on some shares. Can anyone tell me if I should be including the cost of dividend re-investments or Scrip Divs in the portfolio's Book Cost?
  16. Sky are saying it's confirmed. Edit: BBC also now.
  17. We flew into Heathrow from a holiday in Thailand in June. We used Purple Parking. After a 15 hour journey we landed at 05:30BST. We were in our car and on the M25 by 06:30. Back home by 10:00 (including a stop off for a coffee and butty). A couple of years ago we flew into Heathrow, then caught a connecting flight to Manchester. I found this to be much more hassle. Driving puts you more in control (not having to wait around, potentially shorter time to getting home), but the biggest consideration is personal to you - how you think you'll handle the drive after the flight.
  18. Was it just me, or did the other podium drivers appear a little cool towards Hamilton? Didn't seem to want to join in his celebration (no spraying of champagne in his direction). Prolly me looking for something that wasn't there, but I wonder how they feel toward him after Melbournegate.
  19. Nice one 8 standing tickets booked this morning
  20. Date confirmed. Monday 23rd November. The last of 10 UK Arena dates announced.
  21. Battered, bruised and dripping with sweat... but absolutely BUZZING Awesome. Again. Roll on the Arena at year end (? ).
  22. Saw them at Cardiff on the 12th. They blew Oasis away. Looking forward to Monday. Been playing nothing else but WRPLA on the iPod for last 10 days in Phuket. It's my soundtrack to the summer alright
  23. Maybe my use of the phrase "plot holes" was a little misguided. I guess I'm really saying for methere's lots of implausability, mostly surrounding the resistance putting up as much of an organised, and large scale fight as they are seen to be doing. I liked the feel of the scrappy guerilla tactics witnessed in the future scene from T1. - Skynet not completely owning the skies is a biggy for a start, guerilla A10 tactics being employed or not. I find that hard to buy. - The bit about not moving during the night cos of infrared equipped HK's. Mmm, anyone watched Roadwars recently? SY99 seems to do OK during the day with it's heat sensitive cams.... - It'd be interesting if someone could produce an explanation for hoba's 'circular Skynet plot' question from an earlier post. Look, end of the day I thoroughly enjoyed the film, and can easily live with whatever shortcomings appear implausible/unexplained to me. BTW:
  24. I'm just curious (not having a dig), but what questions did T4 answer that were left over from T1, 2 & 3? Also what more do we need to know about why the T101 & Reese went back in time? I thought this had all been fairly well documented. I enjoyed T4. Thought it did the franchise proud. You were unlikely to get ground breaking effects (ala T2). You were never gonna get Oscar winning dialogue (ala any of the others?) They finally did some justice to the adult John Connor (what was with the Nick Stahl version?!). Loved the nods to the previous films (topping out with the molten metal clad T making the distinctive cut down Connor's face in the factory). Sure there were plot holes, but then I guess I've always asked myself that surely Skynet could determine Connor's place and DOB, and therefore why not send back a Bio clad nuke and level his birth town just as his head breached..........? Looking forward to seeing Sam Worthington in other stuff.
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