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Everything posted by greenrat

  1. As the title says does anyone know of anywhere in Sheffield they can recommend for zip repairs? This is for a leather jacket
  2. Roses are red, Violets are blue, I am a man Maybe you are too
  3. the only thing the BNP would do is make things worse for people in Britain, including yourself.
  4. Perhaps because they have checked the facts and made an informed decision?
  5. Okay ... for starters at the moment the people who withdraw most from the "pot" (I'm talking Chief Executives, Managing Directors, Bankers, Shareholders etc.) do the least work. Those on the bottom who do the actual work that makes the company money (e.g. the bus drivers at a bus firm, bar staff at a chain of pubs) do the most work but earn the least. Also at the moment there are people in jobs high up just because they want the money or because they have friends in high places. If everyone were paid the same then the only people who became managers / directors would be people who actually wanted the job because they were good at it and wanted it. We need to eradicate the class culture in this country ... it is wrong for a Chief Executive of a company to earn £100,000 year while people such as bus drivers, admin staff, factory staff (i.e. the people who do the work) do much harder jobs (how many managers do you know for example who would drive a bus round the manor estate at 11:30pm or work nightshifts in a factory for 14 - 15 grand a year?). Over to you ...
  6. Just a suggestion but maybe you would like to give a good reason (or two) why Radicals' suggestion would not work?
  7. I know from personal experience that most people on the dole want to work but can't. The problem is not getting the lazy poor people off the dole working, but getting the lazy rich b*stards who get paid a fortune for doing nothing off their backsides to start creating work for the people on the dole to do. Industry has been responsible for eliminating thousands of jobs.
  8. Hi we're looking for mainly places that play rock music and proper pubs that serve real ale & food
  9. Hi am going out in Rotherham over the weekend just wondered if anyone cud recommend any decent pubs / bars round the city centre.
  10. On the contrary the BNP are against everything this country stands for.
  11. Just wondered if anyone had any photos of the 5 arches on Herries Road in the time when it was all just fields? Just wondered as I have a painting of it and would like to see the real thing .
  12. What would be your nomination for the best place to live in Sheffield? Personally mine would be Wisewood for the greenery, nice houses & good local pubs.
  13. I would but after Iraq / Afghanistan / ID Cards / the 42 - day detention limit I couldn't bring myself to vote for or finance such an organisation.
  14. For starters the "New Labour" wing of the Labour party probably didn't want to implement the minimum wage either, but they had to as the unions and the rest of the party were pressing for it. One thing that getting the Conservatives into power would bring would be a change of direction for the Labour party, hopefully back to doing what it was set up to do which is speak up for the working classes.
  15. Not voting is not an option - if people hadn't voted for Obama in America we would have had McCain as president, and with it another 4 years of Bush's policies.
  16. The man was a genius and contributed so much to our understanding of the world. Happy birthday Charles!!
  17. Sadly some men are only after one thing - I know a few where I work including a former manager demoted for reaching into a colleagues blouse to adjust her bra and rubbing himself against female members of staff a few years ago. I hope you told him where to get off!!
  18. Sounds like they wantto stay on the dole! What kind of shop is it you run?
  19. As Downing Street seems to have suppressed debate on the subject ... http://search.petitions.number10.gov.uk/kbroker/number10/petitions/search.lsim?ha=1159&sr=0&sf=&qt=outsource+government&sc=number10 .. I thought we could have a vote on it here. Given the UK government's love of "Free" trade and outsourcing, I believe that MP's should be outsourced them to India / China would allow us to save millions which could be spent on useful things (schools / hospitals etc. ) , as well as providing a better service.
  20. I can give you two: - 1. We already have a Conservative government - it's just called "New Labour" so voting Conservative will not make things any worse. 2. Dealing New Labour a massive defeat will force the party to rethink its direction and we can reclaim the party as a party for the workers.
  21. I think quite the opposite the church are given unquestioning obedience and respect by people and even government.
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