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Everything posted by eileent

  1. Picture Sheffield is wrong It was left as an empty shell after the blitz. At the time I went to Sunday School there and had to then go elsewhere.Maybe there was a corner of it that was made into a store but I never saw it.
  2. It is now 2019 so a bit late to answer but I was at Abbeydale from 1947 and knew girls who were there at the same time as you
  3. Yes it was bombed out in the war,I believe in the blitz but maybe later. Up to then I went to the Sunday School there.That closed down after the bombing
  4. Hi Rita There was a Margaret in my class at Sharrow Lane.I wonder if she was your sister? I sat at the same table as her in the infant class.
  5. Hi Gordon,My dad had a career as a tram conductor apart from some of the war years.Not sure when he retired.His depot was at Shoreham St down near St Mary's Church.I loved those old trams!!!
  6. Here's a hint for you Hazel next time you try to win a painting comp ...add something extra.The time I won and had my offering on display in the window I had added clouds to the sky.
  7. My brother and I used to get in the house via the cellar grate but it was to get to the cellar head for some cocoa and sugar to eat after school [when food was rationed] We couldn t get to it the normal way as she put a lock on the cellar door
  8. Yes I remember when Brightfield House was a doctor's residence in the 1940's.My big sister had crush on the doctor's son.My mum used to refer to him as 'Short pants'
  9. Hi Syb Would love to know when it was thast the bus was pulled up Gleadless Rd.My grandma had the sweet and tobaconist shop at 24 Gleadless Rd and her eldest son [my uncle]married one of the girls next door at the bakers.Last but not least my dad met my mum when he went in the shop for some cigarettes] ---------- Post added 23-05-2014 at 19:20 ---------- Going back a little further than that I believe a Mrs Goodison lived across the road from my grandma's sweet and tobacconist at 24 Gleadless Rd and took care of my baby brother for quite a while when my mum was ill in hospital.
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