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Everything posted by Leipzig

  1. I went there for a time when it first opened, whould have been 15 years old then. Names I remember: Sandra Stocks, Janet Creasey, and a lad who had the nickname 'Poz'. Bill Roberts palyed a part in running the club at that time. Happy days:cool:
  2. What about The Centre Spot cafe, Angel Street/Snig Hill. Also in the 1960s there was a cafe on Cumberland Street, which was later demolished and Bensons carpet shop was built on the site - can't remember it's name though.
  3. Hi Tara Try a visit to Sheffield Local Studies Library itself, if I remember correctly the online Picturesheffield.com database only holds 10,000 images, but if you look at the database in the library you have access to about three times more images.
  4. Hi tara Not specifically relating to back-to-back houses in the Wincobank area, but this is a plan of typical Sheffield back-to-back houses which you might find interesting.
  5. Naked - except for neck tie - can't dress down altogehter, when in the altogether
  6. I was a member 1971-76 - became a member of that particular club as my grandad was a member there. Still got the member's card - can I still get in????? - lol. Leipzig
  7. Hi Harlan Don't forget the Telly-Goons, Saturday tea-time TV IIRC. Leipzig
  8. Hi only_me I remember the owner of the junk shop had "don't park here" or something similar roughly painted on his shop wall outside. Hardly anyone around there at that time had a car, but I think it was so he had access to the junk yard when there was a match on at Bramall Lane. Leipzig
  9. Hi me-and-pippo Thanks for detail and clarification. Did the Montgomery pub ever re-open after the crash? Leipzig
  10. Hi only_me The junk shop was at the bottom of the section of Harwood Street where it met Hill Street, opposite the Harwood Hotel pub (Charlie Ellin's). Leipzig
  11. Hi me-and-pippo This photo brings back a few memories of when I was very young. The Rodley was run by a relation of mine for a while back around 1959 or 60. I remember that it was only a beer house and was not licenced to sell wines or spirits. A lane ran down the side of the pub, which brought you out onto Suffolk Road, somewhere near the Montgomery pub. Wasn't this the Montgomery the pub that was half demolished by a lorry some years later? Leipzig
  12. Hi MikeG My grandfather Willie Bradshaw worked most of his working life in The Firth Vickers cold steel rolling Mill. His father William Bradshaw had had the same job there also, from about 1900, so I presume he got his son the job. I still have a 1 inch micrometer, that Willie used in his day-to-day work there. As far as I remember Willie always worked shifts - either mornings, afternoons, or nights, - another victim of the dreaded ice cream van. Leipzig
  13. Hi Thai What years did you attend the school? Did Mr Ainsworth still have that Bedford camper van of his when you were there? To be honest I found Mr Ainsworth a really decent guy. I must admit that the rapping of knuckles ruined my chances of becoming a concert pianist! Regards Leipzig
  14. Hi PT If you do go on the visit next Tuesday check out if the still do that "weather station thing." Both TREATMENT and myself used to monitor the weather during the last year of our time there. With the weather we've had lately, it looks like the school might have been slacking recently:hihi: Regards Leipzig
  15. Who remembers having to go down through the cellar grate to open the house door from the inside, after your parents had locked themselves out? If the media is to be believed, would the modern generation of kids fit through that tight space? Leipzig
  16. Hi BLITZER I have not received your PM as of yet I'm afraid. Just checked my CP and option settings and they look OK. Please try again. Regards Leipzig
  17. Hi Runningman I am unable to attend in school/working hours I'm afraid, but if you have permission to take photos, I would greatly appreciate being emailed scanned copies. If this is OK with you I will pm you with my email address - let me know. Hope you enjoy the visit and meeting old friends. Regards Leipzig
  18. Hi BLITZER How are you diddling? Yes I often went into the pork shop on a Saturday dinnertime - for a pork sandwich for my grandad who lived on Franklin Street. There is a picture of the shop, it is on the right in this picture: http://www.picturesheffield.com/cgi-bin/picturesheffield.pl?_cgifunction=form&_layout=picturesheffield&keyval=sheff.refno=s21544 I remember that the price of a bag of chips was 4d (old pence) from the chip shop on the corner of Hobart Street "when I was a lad!" As to your other question: But I did get the semaphore drawings from this book which had been owned by my father when he was a lad: Regards Leipzig
  19. Hey up Treatment What was the name of the sweet shop, about 5 shops down Club Garden Road on the left hand side - the shop was known by the christian name of the woman who owned it. She used to sell packets of Tiger Nuts at that time, and if you asked her, she made up a 'sundae' in a tall glass with fizzy pop and icecream. And what was the name of the old gent who did the crossing patrol across Sharrow Lane, where it crosses the top of Club Garden Road - was it Mr Plant? He seemed to do that job all the years that I was there. Regards Leipzig
  20. Hi again Treatment Can't remember Miss Dobby, but by the sounds of it i wish I could! As for Mr Davis's car it was either a Riley or a Wolseley 1500 I think, which looked like the Wolseley car on this page. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.classic-car-restorations.co.uk/50s_60s/images/wolsey_1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.classic-car-restorations.co.uk/about_us/about_us.htm&h=226&w=358&sz=117&hl=en&start=8&tbnid=HSopVX7GVQscsM:&tbnh=76&tbnw=121&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwolseley%2Bcar%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG Certainly the paint scheme was two tone. Leipzig
  21. Another memory I have, is of Christopher Polomski, one summers night climbing up and standing on top off the monumental ball, top centre in this photo: http://www.picturesheffield.com/cgi-bin/picturesheffield.pl?_cgifunction=form&_layout=picturesheffield&keyval=sheff.refno=t01632 This is a picture of the the stable block at Mount Pleasant House on Sharrow Lane. No small feat for an 11 year old, he must have had some guts. Leipzig
  22. Hi Runningman I started at Sharrow Lane school in 1958, so started as you finished so to speak. Can't say as I was very keen on the dinners either, infact I've never touched a baked been since, put me right off! I remember those coconut type mats we used to get out each time we did PE; the box full of plimsoles with the size painted on the upper; and of course the bean bags we used to throw about - we were not allowed to throw balls around inside. We used to enjoy the occaisonal slide show using a slide projector (colour black). I suppose it seemed quite a modern piece of equipment at the time, but would be looked on as being very large and primitive by today's standards. The slides were usually a kind of victorian woodcut in style, usually about farming or harvest time as I seem to remember. Or they were black and white photographs, probably of a plantation owned by some big coffee manufacturer or other. All the workers and their children were portrayed as being very happy with their lot in life, and as I was only seven or eight years old at the time - I believed they were. Leipzig
  23. Hi An usual thing from my time there in the early 1960s, which really sticks in my mind, was the Volvo car which Mrs Hirst came to school in each day. It had a rear-view periscope on the roof - I don't think I've ever seen another car with this device fitted. Leipzig
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