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Everything posted by JellyBaby

  1. If anyone is looking for a minibus to Wembley, my mate has an 8 seater available. Call 01246 291147 or 07958370979 for details.
  2. Hi, I work for Plusnet broadband and have a fibre staff account. I can confirm that we have been told by BT that this is a major exchange fault and that engineers are working in it. The next update from BT is expected tomorrow morning at 10am. I will try to update again then.
  3. Just to let you all know i went yesterday to Angel Nails and they were brilliant. Run by 2 chinese girls who were really friendly and quite nearly the best nails i had done fingers crossed they last as long as they normally do then i will keep going back for my infills
  4. Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has ever had there nails done at Angel Nails at Woodseats its the american one across from KFC. I have never been before and would just like to know what its like before i make an appointment
  5. Can anyone tell me if there is a carboot at Marsh Lane or chesterfield this sunday 18/09/11? Thanks
  6. i get all my stuff for plumbcenter.in sheffield.
  7. Who said is was the end of the world? Think you need to re read dear !!
  8. It is pricey i think but i have always enjoyed it so it was never a problem about price but i do agree on the pricey part im afraid!! thanks you guys for the sake of £3 they have alienated me and i will be going elswhere and let my party spend £160 on a business that deserves it !!
  9. I wasnt slating it for its food they food was very nice, and i did mention about how unfair it was to charge me nearly double as in original post but they where very determind to charge it me anyway and when it is someones birthday and there is 11 people at your table you dont really wanna spoil the mood so to speak so its not that im averse to complaining quite the opposite actually!!
  10. Yeah he did get his meal free and it is really great in there and the food is lush we had no other complaints at all it just really annoyed me slightly that we had to pay the little bit extra for the same food Im not a skin flint but it is the principle it did say on the menu the age of the children i think but i still think its wrong might just be me
  11. We went today at tea time as it was hubbys birthday. There was a party of 11 of us. Everyone ordered meals but as i have had an operation i can only eat very small portions so i was looking at the kids menu and decided to order Gammon and rice, when i placed this order i was told i could do this but i would charged £7.50 as an adult instead of the £4.50 it would have cost if i was a child. I then went on to explain why i wanted a kids meal in the first place and that i dont want any extra food just the same portion they would give a child!! This angered me somewhat as the portion was no different and had to pay nearly double the price just because i wasnt a child !!!! Not like they didnt get enough money from us as the whole bill came to just over £160 !! Disgusted is not the word !!!
  12. What about the tall people who spend most of the flight with there legs dug in to the back of the seat in front cos thats very annoying plus kids that constantly kick the back of your seat and parents that dont say anything!! ryan air are the worst airline and would never give them 1pence of my hard earned money you get what you pay for good luck cattle!!!
  13. I am trying to find a coupld of old freinds i have not seen for about 8 years and just wondered if anyone knows of a woman called Christine whos partner was Steve he was scottish they lived on stonecliffe close before the houses were knocked down?? They had 3 kiddies called Danny, Adam and Kirsty does anyone remember then or know them now??
  14. I am trying to find a coupld of old freinds i have not seen for about 8 years and just wondered if anyone knows of a woman called Christine whos partner was Steve he was scottish they lived on stonecliffe close before the houses were knocked down?? They had 3 kiddies called Danny, Adam and Kirsty does anyone remember then or know them now??
  15. Being late for anything is my pet hate i even set off for work half an hour sooner than i need to just to get there!! But if i was meeting someone or relying on someone else taking me then i would be down right rude and unthoughtfull to make the person wait or hang around )
  16. Snowed heavily near the airport this morning for roughly about an hour couldnt see my car when i came home at 2 very strange as i live only 5 mins from work and nothing at all ??
  17. How do you know? you have already admitted not personally knowing her or spoken to her??
  18. I think this thread has sort of lost it now by Teeny writing what she did (which was removed) At the end of the day all the do gooders wanting to welcome her in to open arms have now got egg all over there faces due to it not all being as open and shut as it was made out to be!! She did work illegally Teeny as other people have posted that have worked with her under different names so please stop bleating about this poor poor woman wanting to do voluntry work in a nursing home she was already there earning money illegally!!! She will be removed from this country as already advised just accept it and start sending her a cheque every month from your hard earned cash!! It really does bother me why people are still fighting her corner after all the information has come to light about her how silly.
  19. I wondered how long it would be before the race card got brought up again !! Why when things go wrong for people with a different colour skin do they hide behind the race card?? Your so annoying it has nothing to do with the colour of your skin or which country your from it should not happen full stop regardless of where your from or if your pink with blue spots !!! So will the government be sending her back because she is black ?? NOPE It is because she broke the law and didnt try and sort anything out to make it right but when she got caught and things dont go the way she wants it suddenly becomes such an injustice. If she had done this properly in the first place she would probably be working in a nice job with very little worries, but she didnt and that is the reason she is going back not that she is black or from zimbabwee so pack it in with the race card for goodness sake !
  20. At least they would still have a job. If my employer could be saved from going under by me and the whole work force taking a paycut for a while i wouldnt think twice. I feel for those looking for a new job at the min must be soul destroying.
  21. Plaintalker i said in my post it "seems" she was working when she shouldnt have even been here as someone ealrier in the thread said they knew her and she has used several aliases and worked in a nursing home and gone to college all while she came here illegally??? So I didnt presume i was merely going on by what someone else had wrote and the person seems to know her personally unlike anyone of us on here including Teeny!! I love how it is PRESUMED she will go back to be murdered so are we saying then that mugabe has been sat there for 8 years tapping his fingers waiting for her to step 1 foot in the country and will pounce as soon as she enters?? I really dont think it would be the forfront of his mind!!
  22. Boyfriday as above are the laws that seem to have been broken?? Also i do think breaking the law would reflect on someones character to a degree and what is the point of saying if she was here legit as she isnt?? i think people do make mistakes in life and laws do get broken sometimes but this woman should not even be here in the first place let alone being here and breaking the law further by doing a job she should not be or unlawfully doing, even if she was doing it to earn a living. She should have gone down the right track in the first place as many others do and manage to stay here and earn a living to support themselves.
  23. so by the sounds of it then if some posts are to be believed then it wasnt all rosy in the garden after all and not really a model citizen as first thought/reported by some! it "seems" there is a lot more to this and more laws broken, again, the reason she should be sent back as other people who break the law have to pay in some way or another how can people think this is ok and just sweep under the carpet the laws that have been broken??
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