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Jack Grey

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Everything posted by Jack Grey

  1. This is from The Guardian The Manchester Arena suicide bomber was rescued by the Royal Navy from the civil war in Libya three years before he killed 22 people at a pop concert, it has emerged. Salman Abedi was 19 when he boarded the HMS Enterprise in Tripoli in August 2014 with his younger brother Hashem and more than 100 other British citizens. It was from there that Ramadan Abedi and Samia Tabbal fled in 1993, claiming asylum in the UK on the basis that they faced persecution under the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. The couple went on to establish new lives in Fallowfield, south Manchester, with their children attending local schools.
  2. Back in Sheffield as my USA visa was running out of days Im off to Thailand in a few weeks then im back to Sheffield for a few weeks then off the Meditierian for the summer I'll hopefully have my US green card soon....its costing me a lot of money but its worth it Why do you ask?
  3. All i see is criminals who have entered the country illegally. I wonder how many have killed or raped someone....i guess we'll never know because we have no idea who they are We can only pray that one of them doesnt blow himself up at a kids pop concert
  4. These men dont look very venerable This image tells a story......try and spot the women and children
  5. Whenever migrants arrive by boat ambulances and doctors are sent to examine them Also, police and interpreters and Capita/Serco reps
  6. Its a cake....the big clue is in the name 'Jaffa Cakes' They even made it easy for people by writing it on the box
  7. You can still watch this movie on Netflix Again the hypocrisy is breathtaking...
  8. Just Stop Oil protesters 'think their cause is more important than human life' says Webb
  9. It is so surreal And they are constantly complaining about lack of services like homes, schools and doctors appointments or the lack of funding They also constantly harp on about using less energy, less waste, less meat and to reduce our carbon footprint But they want open borders Theyre just a mess of really stupid ideas that contradict themselves
  10. Your definition of racism is extremely broad Germany is not a race of people If i said that all French people are lazy is that racist? If i said i dont find ginger women attractive is that racist? What if i said that all obese people should eat less food?
  11. I keep telling you that no one wants far left politics on a national level That's why Starmer is trying to drag the party kicking and screaming into the center
  12. Not much difference between the three parties though is there Its why the LibDems & Greens have been doing so badly because all the hard left voters ran over to Corbyns Labour and destroyed the party If they were to merge then they might have a fighting chance They could call themselves the Liberal Labour Green Party....which sums them up perfectly At least then we can use the Democrats name for a party that actually believes in democracy
  13. When i was talking about race it was my view that the eco warriors only seem to focus on a particular race and class of people Ironic because the vast majority are of the idiots you see gluing themselves to the road are white toffs If hundreds of thousands of germans or french were coming here illegally by boat then my attitude would be the same Its nothing to do with who they are or what colour they are What should concern all of us is that the vast majority are coming from countries that are lawless and they have some very draconian views on women and the LGBTQ community
  14. Buy a dinghy and go to Dover and claim asylum You'll get to see a GP with the hour
  15. I knew it wouldn't be long until you called me a racist I haven't said anything remotely racist If you look back at my posts ive said that its ridiculous that we accept Albanian asylum claims.....last time i checked Albanians were white This 2 minute video that has just been posted online sums you and your ilk up perfectly
  16. What gives you the right to civilise anyone? Youve let the mask drop there Typical leftie who thinks theyre righteous and better than the great unwashed and its your job to make us all think the same as you 😁
  17. For the left its always about race, sexuality or class
  18. Surely France has a good policy They dont offer these migrants a life of luxury so they want to leave to come here where they get a 5 star hotel and three meals a day
  19. I dont blame people wanting to come here for a better life.....but that doesnt mean they have the right to I would love to live in a Palace in Dubai....just because its a better life doesnt mean i can just go and move in to one I dont think we should've gone to war in Iraq, Afghanistan , Libya But some people have short memories.....british soldiers died trying to defend the people and to remove violent genocidal dictators And because your country is at war doesnt give anyone the right to travel thousands of miles through 10 safe countries to pay people smugglers thousands of pounds to get on a boat to enter the UK illegally I thought people like yourself would be angry that tens of thousands of predominantly young men are jumping in front of genuine refugees
  20. What do refugees bring to Britain? Douglas Murray vs Enver Solomon | SpectatorTV
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