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Everything posted by flyer

  1. I sort of think just a 40s thing people do not live in Barracks they live in houses where they can get out and scrub the stone window sill and step's with a little block of whitening just to make life hard:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  2. Not to bad then not heard anything too bad about the farms, the sea training school said to be another hell hole
  3. always told to stay well away from them don't realy know why, I sort of think the BAD people lived there:confused:
  4. I believe you said dad left in 48 so would that make him 14 and off to sea training school or farm
  5. aways thought the Deacon's had to have known what was going on but chose to turn a blind eye, I was caned plenty of time by Deacon for running away ,looking back they had to be 5-10 going every month and not for no reason
  6. yes Ms Bull was a bit of nasty but by no means the worst there was a lot more evil in there,as said in a early post her worst was to beat a kid every day for wetting the bed and I mean every day for 4 yrs,making all kids sit on there hands because she didn't like to see hands twigle ,my mother brought me duck eggs (gold in war time)she sat there and scoffed them all,and looking back I think she was keeping any money we had brought in said it was for the BANK,I ran away a lot but I don't think Grand- dad ever went with me his face is becoming clearer now I just had to think
  7. yes I thought i knew the name but had to get my memory joged putting him in #2 with the evil Ms Bull brought It back
  8. that would be next door to us "the Clarke's "at 511 left for 5yrs 40-46 so memory starting to fade just a little
  9. yes I'm 99% sure I remember him,be about 1-2 yrs older than me so79-80 Adrian Basil Clarke I was in #2 from 40 till46
  10. walkway on the side of the road, what do you use pavement ??have you not started to pave your roads must me very confusing if u don't know what part of the road u on must lose a lot of tourists and your friends from Asia:hihi::hihi:
  11. anyone ever watch "Top Gear" every one and thing is a **** not in my day is wasn't we reserved that for special moments
  12. I know Chaucer would turn over in his grave for the way you've abused his english
  13. opps NO mauve is not purple just ask any of your on fire friends:rolleyes:
  14. And I knew my wife was in error calling me an old fart:hihi:
  15. I do remember one of the roman MOVIE'S and the American accent there in, when every one knows the Romans spoke with a fine British accent:D:D:D
  16. Grabing hold of me in a grip of iron the stable drunk, drool running down his mouth told me about the time he had to go and have a big molar pulled told the dentist no pain killer had to go for job interview??? what pain and told me the time he felt pain twice as bad, taping trees in Quebec for maple syrup just had to go, so bobing down round the nearest maple tree he started to poop on the leaves where someone had hid a bear trap which sprung and fasten on his balls oh the pain, you said twice I said ,to which he reply when i got to the end of that 6ft chain oh the pain. Now I know( found out later)that this is an old joke but because this guy had smashed legs he had a grip of steel and I HAD to stand there for at half hour, and dead drunk at 10 in the morning he was still smarter than me cold stone sober
  17. Very little music i dislike hard rock &rap would top the list because they grate on the ears,Tommy Steels first song "Singing The Blues"was pretty bad,but I had just come back from 3yrs in Libya so i was way behind the times,we was still playing Vera Lyn LOL
  18. I thought any of the major book stores can get copy's FOR A PRICE every manager had a copy on their decks over the yrs Ive had a doz'
  19. Its also a known fact that some types of girls aways go for the warped and twisted:hihi::hihi:now Herman hermits good clean lads many good girls would like to take home to mum:D:D
  20. I suppose the stone's was just trying to sell record's in any way they could ,and not just their music,trying to tell young kids the Gay and warped lifestyle was a good thing it must have got a lot confused,now we all know their own lifestyle was questionable in the end,but I was only in my early 20s and I thought a very BAD influence:gag::gag:
  21. I know it was there in my time 1934 and just maybe a little before that
  22. 100%right hated the stones with a passion and their music had nothing to do with :mad::mad:it
  23. Thanks Rivelin thought u meant you only did work for people in U.K ,How does one pay for service from another country ? are off shore cheque's any good
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