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Everything posted by amandaholden

  1. Yes youre completely right. I wish I was as intelligent and wise as you. I am so stupid. Of course, I am depriving my poor child of the sheer excitement of watching anorexic vegetarians wobble around the streets. What a terrible mother I am.
  2. If you dont want to leave near a football ground then dont. I dont so I dont. dont really get the comparison between this and football - you could take it to any level like someone else said, meadowhall is busy at christmas, don valley gets busy when an event is on, farmers markets, street maintenance etc - the original point was about this specific event.
  3. No its not good enough for me actually. I used to live on Willis Road in Hillsborough - so I am aware of football traffic - however, the ROAD was not closed - if I wanted to get out in the car I could, I might have just had difficuly parking on return but that was up to me - My dad is elderly and relies on buses - he was unable to go out at all yesterday due to the road being closed and no buses coming up - I believe that buses also run during football matches??? I dont have an issue with any event happening - be it football, marathon or race for life etc - but these events are over in a couple of hours, and therefore the inconvenience is minimal - plus they also raise thousands for chartity - please correct me if im wrong but I dont think yesterday was a charity event was it?
  4. Oh you mean the football matches that last 10 hours????? ---------- Post added 06-07-2015 at 09:28 ---------- You see this is the exact sort of nonsense that makes people dislike cyclists!!! I had actually taken my children to a school summer fayre - where they did fun runs, bounced on a bouncy castle, took part in a dance routine and generally ran around and had FUN for 4 hours - but sorry, if that makes me lazy (I dont think my 2 year old could cycle from High Storrs to Handworth - so I had to use my terribly lazy car) - but in any event that my children were having fun AND exercise how pathetic and judgemental are you? I could have been on my way back from a hospital visit or something - seriously, this just makes me dislike the event even more!
  5. Whats not to like is not that 'oh just Ecclesall rd is shut', but that due to this I sat in a queue of traffic from the ring road, all through Broomhill, onto Fulwood Road and by Rustlings Road right up to Nethergreen - Why they cant do events like this in parks is beyond me. Or Chatsworth or something? In the event of the half marathon or race for life, the roads are all back open by 11am ish, this was all day. Just a bunch of people with nothing better to do on a Sunday once again grinding the city to a halt. Oh but your 5 year olf=d got a lanyard whilst my 2 year old threw a massive tantrum in the car stuck in traffic - well thats ok then!
  6. Surely only Muslims will be using the prayer room - so actually with them being moved elsewhere they will be seen by more people?? Seems like a story about nothing to me.
  7. "Hello, I am from the council, you are walking a dog, show me a poo bag or I will fine you £100" "its not my dog, Ive just found him wandering and am going to take him home and contact the dog warden" How would they actually enforce this nonsense?? And even if they admitted it was their dog and they didn't have a poo bag, what is the enforcer going to do if they won't tell him their name or address? Or they make one up?? Chase them around the park? Completely bonkers - they would be better off using the money for these said wardens to pay for adequate bins (both for dog poo and rubbish while we are at it) - poo bins with poo bags supplied if people happen to forget one day (dog walkers are humans, we can sometimes forget to take a bag - if I do, I'll ask a fellow walker for one, or sort something out - we are not all irresponsible.) Next shall we fine horse riders who dont carry a shovel and bucket with them??
  8. Totally agree, nothing more sad than seeing kids sitting there being bored (and therefore likely to start messing about) whilst the parents drink alcohol. I guess Im lucky, my parents never did that with me and my siblings so it wouldnt occur to me to do it either.
  9. Yep, true - I assumed we were talking about younger children running around the carpark? I would still say that 10 year olds shouldnt be in that environment anyway though! My daughter is nearly 7 and is in bed for 7.30 - not enough sleep is one of the main causes for children's bad behaviour imo.
  10. I live in the area and have two children. I would never take them to a pub on a Friday night or any other night - they go to bed at 7 and 7.30pm and I really hate seeing children running around in what is and should be an adult environment. I might go to the pub to escape my children! It should def have a curfew for children - but as others have said, I actually blame the parents - any decent parents have their children bathed, read to and in bed at a decent hour.
  11. Thanks so much, this is where I have been going wrong! I never wair for traffic from the right to pass!
  12. I think most people on here would agree that it most definitely does!
  13. Surely they sort it now...surely.....oh god, they so wont
  14. Ha ha!! ---------- Post added 05-06-2015 at 14:50 ---------- the social group consisting of people who are employed for wages, especially in manual or industrial work (note the word wages - maybe referring to a wage packet, or a weekly amount, as opposed to the middle class being paid a SALARY and before you ask - middle class would be:the social group between the upper and working classes, including professional and business people and their families
  15. The pavement is shocking, paving slabs well and truly all over the shop - looks like a mini-earthquake! and brunswick street is covered in silt. Not good.
  16. Does shopping at waitrose make you classier than if you shop at asda? I would probably think of myself as middle class, good education, been to university, good job, live in S11 - but I (and most my neightbours) shop at Aldi! I dont think a supermarket dictates class does it? Its all in the accent for me!! ---------- Post added 05-06-2015 at 14:29 ---------- Yes, all those working class politians and good old Prince William, what a hard working lad, not middle class at all!
  17. The leak is directly outside Bar one in the Students Union so the stretch of Glossop Road from the crossroads by the Harley to the West End pub (and where all the other roads are closed) is closed. Loads of diversions, loads of chaos all day - same burst pipe that has happen twice in last 2 years.
  18. Im not wrong! left is for left turn!! straight on doesnt have to be 12 o'clock, it simply means not left! ---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 22:30 ---------- further more, if you are waiting at the next exit to get on to the roundabout and see a car in the left lane, you could set off goingm assuming they are turning left as per their lane markings, only to have them NOT turn off to the left and plough into the side of you.
  19. If youre approaching the roundabout and are turning left for Walkley you should be in the left lane. For Netherthorpe you are not turning left, it is classed as straight on. Pretty simple really - unless you are signalling left when you hit the roundabout, youre not turning left!
  20. Isn't the point of parking to park as near as you can? otherwise there would be loads of empty spaces directly outside shops and be busy on the outskirts of the carpark - dont think there is any problem with parking as near as you can as long as your within reason (I agree people loitering in spaces they arent allowed such as disabled/parent and child) is a bit irritating but in the grand scheme of things dont think it really matters does it? im not sure people actually give it as much thought as the OP!
  21. Yep apparently all passengers should remain seated until it stops!!! yeah right, no-one would ever be able to get off!
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