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About Croftonblade

  • Birthday 28/10/1955

Personal Information

  • Location
    Crofton near Wakefield
  • Interests
    Fishing, Football, Walking
  • Occupation
    Early retired Food Technical Manager

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I haven't used either but I found a thread on Maggotdrowners saying that MAP 501 is a better pole for less money. Im considering a 501 for the new year- theyve just brought out an upgrade to their TKS range called G2, lighter and stiffer. Should be in shops soon.
  2. I always use maggot for the grayling, although caster works well too. Loosefeeding plenty seems to bring the chub into the swim, if they are any around. Not tried worm but meat is the bait for the barbel, I'm told.
  3. I think all the rats have been exterminated now at Oughtibridge. Its free fishing downstream and also upstream- both the park on on one bank and the sports field on the other. Full of trout, grayling, the odd nice chub, a few perch and very occssional dace. There are barbel but Ive not caught any (yet!). Not much flow at the moment, it needs a good flush through.
  4. Well, we fished our match yesterday and averaged more than 22lb per angler. It was won with 44lb - a couple of carp plus lots of ide caught fishing top 2 + 2 with maggot. I trailed in 6th with 25lb+ mainly on worm and caster at 9m- again 2 carp and 37 ide. Good venue and we'll certainly be back. Thanks for advice lads.
  5. Cheers, 6 or 7 m sounds more like my pole tactics than 14m.
  6. Im fishing a match on the Split lake in a couple of weeks. Not fished it before. Can anyone give me any pointers as to tactics, baits, depths etc please? Thanks, Rich
  7. All depends where I'm fishing. Take loads of stuff when matchfishing, box, 2 small bags of bait (with reserve in van!), bag with nets, roller, tray, flask etc the holdhall with pole and 3 rods. Far too much! But then if I'm on the river I'll just take rod, landing net, haversack and maybe a chair if I'm not roving.
  8. Anyone heard about a small salmon being caught near Claywheels Lane recently? Apparently on a spinner.
  9. Fancied an hours fly fishing to calm me down after the Blades match yesterday- chocolate brown and level up. Ah well, another day! ---------- Post added 08-05-2015 at 00:15 ---------- Had a couple of hours fly fishing on the Don before tonight's Blades match. 2 trout on nymph and 5 on dry fly. There was a spell of about 20 minutes when they were taking small white flies off the top- thats when O caught- then nothing at all risimg even tho the same white flies were still everywhere.
  10. I fish the Don upstream of Hillsboro' and anywhere you can legally get to the water is good fishing for grayling, trout, the odd chub, barbel and dace. Also fished at back of dog track and its same there. Read a few posts on here and you'll see its the same from Stocksbridge all the way down to Meadowhall. Lower down becomes normal coarse fishing- ie specimen barbel, chub, roach, bream etc. I don't remove any fish at all so wouldn't recommend it. Leave them in for others to have sport with, is my view. There have been past threads concerning the purity of the Don around Sheffield esp mercury levels but I reckon you'd have top eat a lot of fish to be affected.
  11. Alf, the gov site is just a summary. The opening date is 25th on rivers in Yorkshire.
  12. Not till 25th you can't alf. I rang EA hotline today as someone was fishing. They were sending someone down to catch him. There's no fishing on rivers from march 15th to 24th inclusive. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/295532/Northeast_byelaws.pdf Yorkshire Byelaws These byelaws apply on all waters within the Region southwards of, but not including the River Tees and its tributaries. Salmon and trout close seasons The close season for salmon is from 1 November to 5 April inclusive The close season for all non-migratory trout in rivers, streams, drains and canals and for brown trout in all waters other than enclosed stillwaters, is from 1 October to 24 March inclusive. There is no close season for rainbow trout in any stillwater or for brown trout on enclosed stillwaters.
  13. You can't fish for trout until 25th March! That's when the trout season starts.
  14. Can anyone remember a couple of spots that I fished when I was a youngster? First two places we were taken to by my mate's dad in the sixties. He worked for British Rail and I seem to remember having to cross railway lines to reach the places. The second two, we used to bike it from Chesterfield, rods strapped to the crossbar. 1. Foxlow- this was like a small river and I think it was an oxbow lake next to the Rother. We fished a couple of matches there, one of which I won with 6 small roach. 2. More obscure was somewhere called Blackwaters, near Whittington- we were dumped there, in the middle of nowhere and told that it definitely had fish in it. I remember it being like fishing a swamp- we didn't catch anything at all. 3. Foxton Dam- I think this is still going. Fished this a few times, assured that it contained big tench, but we just caught roach. 4. Dolly Pond- on the way from Whittington to Eckington on the right hand side. It used to be stuffed with perch and we paid the farmer to fish there. I live some way away now, so haven't been in that area for some years, but would love to know if anyone else fished there.
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