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Everything posted by pheasant

  1. So much more graffiti has appeared around the Woodseats area recently. Some must have taken time and effort. It’s horrible. Does no one notice when it’s done ?
  2. Has anyone else noticed the increase in graffiti/ vandalism around Woodseats/ Abbeydale ?
  3. I've heard that the Dore Grill has suddenly and unexpectedly closed. Is this true? Does anyone know anything ?
  4. Ruby is a great name for a female GSD I reckon
  5. It was very special .My 86 yr old dad said ' look, you don't see that very often...mackerel sky ' Named after the way it looks like fish scales.
  6. I have been following the Pets group for a while now and the cruelty of humans to animals I read about makes me truly sick to the stomach.....But the work some of you out there are doing IS AWESOME....and gives us all a bit of hope . XX
  7. thankyou for the good ideas . Just had a go at the tea bag in a sock challenge and she loved it. Some of those doggy games look brilliant , i might try to improvise my own versions.
  8. Thank you Katkin . I had thought of the rations in kongs but not chilling them , will defo try it .
  9. I wonder if anyone can give us some advice ? Our superfit 11 yr old lab/border collie had a big lump removed from her abdomen on wednesday and she pretty much thinks she's normal again. She isn't and can't have more than very short walks for ages. Any ideas to stop her getting very bored?
  10. Thank you Moonbird for pointing out that story. I know someone older but similar who has learned alot and felt much calmer because of a hamster and a rabbit:)
  11. I once shared a house with a bloke who worked in an office and had to wear a suit to work . One morning I saw him make a tuna sandwich , wrap 2 pieces of kitchen towel round it ,put it in his jacket pocket and go for his bus to work !
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