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Everything posted by Steptoe

  1. asda have had planning permission for a petrol station turned down.
  2. police catch a lot of crimbos round there. :hihi:
  3. Take your point, but the eagles crowds are never going to be big, pity really, maybe try and get yorkshire to play cricket again in the city.
  4. whys a 10.000 seat rugby stadium a great idea? when the crowds are 1,000, 1500 tops.
  5. The Star is nothing more than a glorified version of the old morning Telegraph, featuring the news of the day before, its a disgrace to say its the citys only local newspaper, its been going downhill for years, with less and less readers too. I remember you could buy a star on a saturday afternoon, with the halftime football scores in, and the racing results too.its about time they brought it back to an evening newspaper featuring items of the news that happened on the same day of publishing, Then they might see an increase in their sales. its printed about 4.00 in the morning and in the shops for 7.am. Absolute Rubbish. :rant:
  6. re your interest stradbroke, after reconsidering over christmas, decided not to move there, taking keys back after holidays.
  7. anyone know of any good and reputable removal firms in sheffield.
  8. yes we were, offered the stradroke but like i say in my initial post the wife wanted woodhouse until we read some of the feedback on here.
  9. cant be far off then weve been waiting nearly 17.
  10. well over 12 years i think. why where are you now.
  11. whats with all the questions mate, whats the interest.
  12. smelterwood crescent, will you be our new neighbours or are you just nosy.
  13. not on stradbroke yet moving in after christmas.
  14. after much deliberation signed for the house on stradbroke this morning. thanks for your comments.
  15. Thanks for all your input, jokes aside. I think we will drive upto stradbroke in the daytime then at night and take a look around, same with woodhouse though I expect it to be more livelier at night there, we at least got till just after christmas to make up our minds, plenty of food for thought. once again cheers for all the input.
  16. not really, weve been offered a house on stradbroke, but the wifes set on woodhouse, thats why im sending feelers out about woodhouse.
  17. Hi, just wondering what people on here think of Woodhouse as a place to live, as I might have the chance of moving up there, no witty remarks please.
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