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Everything posted by kirsty987

  1. thank you all he has still not come down not even when someone come to visit which is not like him at all he normally gets to the door before me think I will just leave him till he is ready to come down
  2. i have called the vet and they said he need time to get use it and if he is no better in a few days to call them again and they will see him I just wanted some advise but silly me should have known better and its not them as I just have the one dog now
  3. hi I posted on here on Monday night that we had lost cookie but now my other dog is not eating or drinking I have been giving him ice cubes hes really not interested in doing anything this morning hes just laid on my bed ive been up and made a fuss of him but nothing not even a wag of his tail I really could do with so advise I hate seeing him like this thank you
  4. thank you all for you kind words xx
  5. hi everyone I don't really post on here but tonight I had to have my child's two year old staffie put to sleep she had a fit and it left her brain damaged the hardest thing I had to do telling my six year old that cookie was gone rest in peace sleep tight sweet hart will never forget you and thank you for two great years xxxxxx
  6. i have two my little man is 9 years old and my little girl is 2 and i would not swop them for the world and they are brilliant with my daughter
  7. think we will be going this weekend
  8. thanks i thought they did wrist bands at £7.99 and that ment the rides are free or have i got it wrong
  9. hi just wondering if anyone has been there if so could you tell me if its any good as thinking about taking my 6 year old daughter thanks:)
  10. just back from vets with charlie and he is ok just got to keep him in for a few days and maybe give him a bath he a bit smelly lol and he is getting chipped on friday too
  11. i gave him a good looking at when he come in and then called the vets they are happy to see him in the morning. hi mc1970 dont give up am sure yours will come home soon
  12. i have called the vet and they told me to leave him 24 hours i have looked and they is nothing on his mouth or around it and he as had two bowls of food and water
  13. he as just come home he is coverd in knots and is dribbling he is going to the vets in the morning thanks for your help littlie girl is so happy now lol
  14. going to find a pic out i have even been walking around at all hours looking for him
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