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About jaykon

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  1. niether have i thats only reason i asked about the banks
  2. nothing at all??? they only seem to ever get updated if its an offer
  3. does anyone know if barclays bank is open today please?
  4. if your daft enough to not get well out of the way when a big 4x4 is come towards you then you deserve splashing
  5. is meadowhall or the moor open today? and if yes what time they closing????
  6. thankyou it took all night but it worked my computer is well again cheers x
  7. has anyone heard of think point before it wont let me get on my laptop properly and keeps popping up saying it needs hurestic module update and it costs 99 dollars????
  8. they wont last long the people that really do recycle go to the big bins i think it was a waste of money and most will just be used as storage boxes in the house
  9. hope it does snow and its atleast 2foot deep love it
  10. ive been told you can weigh fridgefreezers in as scrap does anyone know where?
  11. not every scrapman is like that next time take the reg and report them to the authorities they make a bad name for the rest of us, that are legit.
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