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Everything posted by VanZandt

  1. Saw manics last nite awsome my first time but won't be the last no kevin carter though never mind my fave was faster no encore but how do you follow design for life?
  2. Just watched the Owls and .. what a massive disappointment from back to front (although Tudgay is a class act) apart from Weaver who made a tremendous save the rest were decidedly pedestrian no width no pace the sooner johnson returns the better.
  3. Love (remastered) by The Cult still the pinnacle of their career
  4. Straight Story a film by David Lynch (i kid you not) A beautifully realised film about a man in his twilight years who goes searching for his brother on a Lawnmower (honestly) very sad and touching and at times funny but ultimately rewarding
  5. Great news our favourite vigilante is back on our screens from tomorrow (20th) on FX channel if you haven't seen it Why? check it out it's [removed] brilliant!
  6. Just drove past myself and noticed it was boarded up how ironic it survived over a year when there was no passing trade never knew how it kept going anyway
  7. What is the finest fast food takeaway in Sheffield city centre?
  8. Yes i do mean draught sorry do we get extra marks for correct spellings?
  9. :confused:Does anyone know of any Wetherspoons that sell continental lagers on draft cos i don't all we get are the usual suspects is there a reason for this? after all they have a fair selection of real ales how about some REAL lagers!
  10. Try the Hardwick Inn just off the m1 junction 29 not strictly the peak district but not too far away its in the grounds of the beautiful Hardwick Hall which the national trust owns lovely beer garden and great food
  11. Give the Brown Bear a try the cheapest pub in town full of characters not to everyones taste (the beer and people!) just up from the crucible the street name eludes me get drunk for a tenner!
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