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Trying for a baby, what is best excerise to do??

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Thats not one in Sheffield I'm afraid, its Queens Park in Chesterfield. Though not too far away if you have transport.

I can't say what its like as thanks to back/hip and ankle problems i'm restricted to swimming at the mo, but it might be worth looking at.

I'll see if i can find a link to it anywhere...


EDIT: seems not :( grr..

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Belly Dance!

some people think it may have originated for exactly this reason. I also have testimony from friends and aquaintances that it helps with back pain etc. during pregnancy, some of the movements help with contraction pains during labour and it helps 'pull everything back together' afterwards!

There are some movements to be avoided during prenancy - check with your doctor/midwife - but whatever excersise you do be aware that you should not start anything new in the early stages of pregnancy and also that due to hormonal changes, your joints become more mobile which can leave you at risk of over-stretching or sprains so you need to be quite careful.



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Im trying for a baby and want know is it important to have plenty of excerise before up untill after u have given birth?

I read its important so your body is fit and you will have an health pregancy and helps for reshaping your body afterwards.

Is this true??

Can anyone give advice on the best excerise?? :confused:



Can only think of the obvious - and it burns calories.


To be honest I think that's a load of bunkum. As long as you're healthy, dont' smoke, take drugs and don't drink, eat healthily then you're doing the best for your baby. As for reshaping your body afterwards, believe me with the running around you'll be doing and if you breastfeed you'll soon shape up. I was reading an article by Davina McCall and she said it takes 9 months to make a baby and she allows herself 9 months to get back to pre-pregnancy shape which seems very sensible to me. Good luck!

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